Then y the hell is it in last place in the console wars, cause it's an ogly piece of crap with final fantasy 13 now being not exclusive I bet you I'm going to buy it for the xbox. Also I dont see any 3rd party games for it in the first place and some kids titles, kids titles make money you know. With Gears 2 coming out and so as Halo Wars sonys is left to fail. I rest my case. Also even as sony has a built in blu ray player, I dont care about it cause sony isnt even using its power to make games. Finally sony may have free online but xboxs is more friendly to navagate and looks alot better.
Adding on, the new xbox hard drive will hold 60G, GET LOANED
I just used my old xbox to use live, GET LOANED
The 360 controller feels great and acually ps3 controllers battery dies alot so you end up playing with a WIRED CONTROLLER, GET LOANED
Haze and Grand T sux, all you have is MGS4 which is more than a movie then a game with hour long cut sceens, Xbox has EXCLUSIVE titles like Halo 3, Gears of War, Bioshock, Oblivion, and now coming soon fallout 3 which looks awesome, rock band 2 comes out first for xbox, and sony final fantasy exclusive got screwed over, GET LOANED
wow, i didn't know one person could make that many mistakes in one post
ps3 is in last place in the console wars? by that do u mean it's last in terms of sales?
because if that's the case, the ps3 is outselling the 360 worldwide every month
metal gear solid 4 has hour long cutscenes? i thought the longest was about half an hour, and they're tasteful cutscenes, not boring ones
oblivion is exclusive? then how come it's on the ps3? same goes for fallout 3;
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