crazymaghie123's forum posts
Yes i agree with adam sessler but i like owning ppl on these boards.foreverflame890
Maybe you should find a new way to get that need out of you
Oh, yeah, this will change the world.Corey_Barlog_SM
I think if it can change just one persons mind it was worth it
Couldn't have said it better myself :)
All hail the year of the RTS! I'll be playing Starcraft 2...possibly DoW2 and probably Empire Total War....also let us not forget the great RPGs on their way...
luckily for me my gaming lap top is starting to get out dated :(... heres to Diablo 3 running on a broad range of systems!
[QUOTE="crazymaghie123"][QUOTE="SinfulPotato"]Way to much space for doing the same activity over and over and over and over and over and over and over.... breath... and over...SinfulPotato
As with many things in life they get repetitive and old. It sounds like you're burned out with the game :)
My main had 200 days /played... so yeah, lol I quit after clearing 25 man naxx..Haha, yeah..I know the feeling..after awhile I give it a nice break.. I'm patiently awaiting Blizz's New MMO probably until I fully invest myself in another..I play wow here and there but nothing serious..I'm thinking about getting Eve have you ever thought about that?
Way to much space for doing the same activity over and over and over and over and over and over and over.... breath... and over...SinfulPotato
As with many things in life they get repetitive and old. It sounds like you're burned out with the game :)
I was a hardcore WoW player from release to about BC..this summer I played to level 68 then had to stop due to some commitments that were taking much of my time..
My question is, at level 80 how similar is the PvP to when I played back in the day at level 60. Is it still as fun as the glory days of PvP or close to being as fun? I've heard lots of QQs about how its not fun, the balance sucks, and the arenas blow but I'm wondering if someone who doesn't have their QQ glasses on could tell me how the game actually is. Is it worht playing?
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