crazymaghie123's forum posts
Well this is a PC Gaming discussion area I realize but I recently got a trojan on my computer (virtundo or something like that) that is taking away from my gaming..
I'm looking for a free trojan remover that can get my computer up and running so I can play some games!
[QUOTE="nimatoad2000"]DGfreak, theyve already mentioned itll be a new IP, and that itll be totally different from wow.DGFreakI'm just noting that their experimentation with radically different genres have mostly been failures.
Thats true but WoW was their first MMO and they did very well with it so I'm fairly confident that they could reproduce this kind of success with all they have learned with WoW
Well they tried with Starcraft: Ghost and had to pull the plug on it because ofhow badly it was turning out. I doubt that they will risk that kind of investment in such an unsure prospect again unless their profits start to fail by producing the same thing over and over again like they are now.DGFreak
Actually Blizz has tried quite a few new IPs and they just haven't been up to standard..I think since they know quite a bit about MMOs these days they can take that knowledge and come up with lots of new ideas then base the IP around these ideas...Blizzard has always said that the mechanics inform the universe and the universe informs the mechanics so who knows they may have come up with a really cool IP universe along side a new mechanic
I downloaded it, and played it for about 30 minutes. Got a level 5 scout. So far, im impressed by the quality for it being a free MMO. Not impressed by it overall. The animations are clunky, and the interface feels like someone vomited on the screen.
The questing mechanism are identical to WoW, and i certainly hope it provides more than just that.
It lacks some heavy amount of polishing up.
Thanks for the does it compare with Atlantica?
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