crazymaghie123's forum posts
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]I have seen worse lists. Haha, those were pretty funny reactions...I agree, it can't be a dissapointment if there were no expectations10. Age of Conan Don't know about this one
9. EndWar Lol Who had expectations for this?
8. Too Human Yup. What a piece of trash.
7. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky Yup
6. Mirror's Edge What?
5. Dead Space What?!?!
4. Prince of Persia WHAT?!?!
3. Mario Kart Wii Huh?
2. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Lol Who had expectations for this?
1. Spore Yup
I disagree with Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, and Mario Kart Wii. All of those games delivered on my hype for me. What do you guys think? They must've forgot the trainwreck Haze existed. :P
I know that monthly fees are required to maintain the servers for MMORPG games and some games have microtransactions and some monthly fees. But now, Blizzard is gonna do both, by adding the re-customization feature in the game. This new feature will allow you to change your character's look and even gender but at the price of $15. Certainly, this is optional and it doesn't bother many people since they just don't care about their looks but there are others who do. And as soon as Blizzard sees how much extra income this feature gives them, they will start making more microtransactions that at some point can become essential for a better success in the game.
There are a lot of other MMORPG's that use this way to make money. You level up to a certain point and from there on, you basically have to pay for some items just to get forward in the game. Sure, it's "optional" but there are already features that are payed through microtransactions that give major advantages to be more successful.
So, in near future, you might see WoW becoming the most expensive MMORPG to date. You pay for WoW+2 expansion packs (you seriously need those)+monthly fees+microtransactions.
I'll put my flameshield on just in case since there may be a lot of WoW fanboys on these forums. Oh, and I beg of you not leave comments like "You're just poor", because I am a poor college student but wealthy enough to play an MMORPG with monthly fees.
Thats kind of an interesting leap to say that a company like Blizzard that has exhibited good business decisions would jump from having a nice feature which takes human effort so they charge for it to a full blown micro-transaction system. Rob Pardo has said time and time again that there will be no way to discern between a rich and poor player in WoW and that their economic situations outside of the game will not come into effect in their game.
Besides... If Blizzard were to have features like Sex Changing, Name Changing, and Server Changing for free it would happen way too often and there would be chaos. Having 15 dollars acts as a nice deterrent to this kind of activity..
Universal Studios: Theme Park Adventures for Gamecube. The only people who would disagree with me are those who haven't played it. Seriously, "watch the 15 minute water show to earn a sticker"????? death919
So I've been looking around at other MMOs to judge the combat/gameplay and compare it to WoW. WoW's gameplay and pace just feels really natural to me (although I never really had the urge to play EQ or Ultima)..
Anyways, my question is, how does WoW's combat/gameplay compare to other games such as guild wars and War?
I know that in some RPGs/MMOs you just stand there and hit but in WoW it always excited me with the positioning rather than just timing..
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