We have joined forces with Mac to continue our journey against a new enemy. What awaits us now is a new threat which can banish our dreams we cherished for decades. Now it's a new war and the community is larger and much more ambitious with extraordinary potential even unseen by the normals of eyes. Let the Reign begin...OoSuperMarioO
To me this is full of win.. I must be the only guy who thinks this is poistive.. I am recieveing what it looks to be the largest amount of Starcraft 2 content then ever was expected.. sSubZerOo
They are though. This is the official FAQ and it clearly says they are expansions.
If that's the case - and if they're priced as expansions - then that's just fine. I think they should drop the whole 'trilogy' charade; it's even more gimmicky that Valve's attempt at tricking people into thinking the HL2 expansions are actually episodic.
I think unlike Half life 2 Blizzard needs to call it a trilogy considering they are doing a race per box just so it clarifies that the other races aren't forgotten. Thats my take on it atleast.
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