crazymaghie123's forum posts
In my opinion it looks horrendous. It could play differently though...the graphics are extremely poor for a 2009 MMO..
I think its going to peak soon after Wotlk but the community is still very strong. People are relegated into realms but this is the same for every game and most of the community is going to be either high level or understand that the community is at the high levels and just grind it out. I can see WoW going strong for atleast another year or two or more. Blizzard is a company that continues to update their games and give very good support to keep things current so that has definitely helped WoW and will ultimately hurt WAR because lets face it EA and all of its companies suck at that sort of thing.
That probably means it's not going to be very diablo-lore-like. My guess it's "similar" to the amazon class, but more closely resembles the WoW hunter (guns).MTBare
Why would they make a class that doesn't fit in the Diablo lore? The developer said that it is similar to an older class (wether that means archetype or gameplay style who knows) so people will be mad that they didn't bring back the old class instead of the new one.
Just because its a similar archetype doesn't mean its going to feel the same. With the new physics and technology all the attacks will be so much more cool and amazing. Look at the barbarian in the demo video and attack demonstrations on the website for example. His new attacks and old are just so much more sensational compared to the old diablo games. The action in this game has been amped and I can't wait to hear more details on the RPG elements.
I got a Best Buy $25 gift card, and was wondering what game can I get for $25-30. My top choice right now is Crysis Warhead. Don't mention Orange Box or COD4.bedram793
That sounds like a good choice :)
lol settle down you hypocritical ****, don't get all butt hurt now.
It's not like you rabid WAR fans (haha, look at your sig) weren't so determined to take pot shots at WoW and its players whenever talking about WAR.
Don't think I love WoW and hate WAR, I just hate the lies and cheap shots that you use to sing praises for your game and put the other down.-wildflower-
Ha, hypocrite? I've never liked WoW so my opinion has very little to do with my liking WAR. I just get a little tired of all the WoW fans raging on every other MMORPG as something that's inferior or a "clone" of their beloved WoW. Oh, and I'm not sure what my Sig. has to do with anything. I've always thought Blizzard made mediocre McGames and WoW isn't any different, so what? Is your Interwebz-ego some how threatened by my opinion? Grow up.
You're entitled to your opinion. Its wrong though.
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