[QUOTE="LoG-Sacrament"]:lol: your list is ironically funny because american psycho is a comedy.LoG-Sacrament
Well the point of this thread for me was to discover other movies that I could watch with the same sort of humor. American Psycho is listed on many sites including IMDB as being "crime, horror, mystery, thriller" so the assumption that it wasn't intended to be funny isn't a bad one.
no, the fact that you watched it and didnt pick up on the main point of the film (the satire) makes it a bad assumption.
Well if I find it funny then I'm atleast picking up on the humor that comes with satire. Either way, like I said to the other guy I'll just say that you were right that it is satire. I'll also give you another scrap to feast on which is that starship troopers is also a satire so two of my five are satires.
[QUOTE="mattykovax"]Actually,your no.1 film on that list "american psycho" was supposed to be funny. Both the Brett Easton Ellis Book and the movie were meant as both black comedy and satire of a certian generation/mindset. So there is really nothing ironic about it being funny. What is Ironic is the amount of people from filmgoers to critics that missed the point and took it at face value as a thriller/horror movie.mattykovax
Intentional or not, many took it as a thriller/horror movie. I believe the people who saw it as a satire or saw it being ironically funny were the same people who appreciate ironically funny movies. The thing thats weird about the movie is that its listed on some of the "top scarry scenes" like vh1 and yet it was pretty humorous..
But it IS a satire. Just look up comments and intererviews with Brett Easton Ellis. Those who think its a thriller/horror,are in the wrong. It cannot be ironically funny if its supposed to be funny. Which it is,even if teh majority of the public are too stupid to see that.
Well to be fair even if it is a satire that doesn't mean that the public is stupid if they don't find it funny. But yeah, Starship troopers is also a satire so if the point of your posts were to get me saying "you know you were right" I'll give you an extra bit of cheese to feed on. Two of my movies were satirical and not ironically funny I suppose. Either way I laughed my tail off.
:lol: your list is ironically funny because american psycho is a comedy.LoG-Sacrament
Well the point of this thread for me was to discover other movies that I could watch with the same sort of humor. American Psycho is listed on many sites including IMDB as being "crime, horror, mystery, thriller" so the assumption that it wasn't intended to be funny isn't a bad one.
Actually,your no.1 film on that list "american psycho" was supposed to be funny. Both the Brett Easton Ellis Book and the movie were meant as both black comedy and satire of a certian generation/mindset. So there is really nothing ironic about it being funny. What is Ironic is the amount of people from filmgoers to critics that missed the point and took it at face value as a thriller/horror movie.mattykovax
Intentional or not, many took it as a thriller/horror movie. I believe the people who saw it as a satire or saw it being ironically funny were the same people who appreciate ironically funny movies. The thing thats weird about the movie is that its listed on some of the "top scarry scenes" like vh1 and yet it was pretty humorous..
The dark knight..not that I care much about the critics because we disagree quite a bit but it was such a fanscinating film. A movie doesn't make that much money unless it is really good. It was the best picture of 2008 no doubt and because it was based on a comic book they were too good to nominate it.
Movies that were not intended to be funny but had you laughing the whole way through. These movies are in my opinion the all stars of this type of film. They exhibit the most memorable dialogue, characters, and plot to have ever graced the silver screen...in an ironic way.
What do you think? Do you agree? What are you favorites?
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