@giedrius1001: Multi-platform games did often look better on the 360, but I think that was because most developers would make the game for the 360 and then port it over to the PS3.
If you compare Gears of War 3 graphics to KIllzone 2 both of which were some of the best graphics on each console for FPS I think the Killzone looked quite a bit better.
@chofferek: The PS3 was more powerful then the 360, which is why it had the games with the best graphics. This comparison is just of GPU raw performance, the PS3 had an extremely powerful custom CELL CPU which was designed to handle a lot of the GPU work as well. If I remember correctly the CPU was about 3 times more powerful the the 360's CPU.
@chiefwiggum16: That's not really a fair comparison, the kinect was bundled with the Xbox One when it came out and you couldn't buy the console without it, which was a major complaint from consumers. Also the PSVR cost's much much more and is out of the price range for lot's of people. In comparison to the HTC Vive and the Rift the PSVR has sold more then both of them together and it hasn't been out as long so i'd say that's pretty successful. I agree that 1st party games is what's needed for the device to succeed.
@fraidso: You don't have to be techy at all to be able to do it. Sony made it so it's very easy to do and it only takes a couple of minutes. If you can turn a screwdriver you should be capable!
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