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'Chef' Quits

Isaac Hayes has quit "South Park," where he voices Chef, saying he can no longer stomach its take on religion. 


"There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry toward religious beliefs ... begins," Hayes said.

"Religious beliefs are sacred to people, and at all times should be respected and honored," he continued. "As a civil rights activist of the past 40 years, I cannot support a show that disrespects those beliefs and practices."

"In ten years and over 150 episodes of 'South Park,' Isaac never had a problem with the show making fun of Christians, Muslim, Mormons or Jews," Stone said in a statement issued by the Comedy Central network. "He got a sudden case of religious sensitivity when it was his religion featured on the show."

Comedy Central spokesman Tony Fox said producers have not decided whether Chef would be dropped from the show or continued with another actor supplying his voice.

- From

Union Invites list

I've been noticing that some (if not most ppl) don't like to get union invites flooding their inboxes. So as a result, I'd like compile a list of my friends that don't want to get union invites from me. I'll I need for you to do is *sign* on the comments. Alrighty then. :D

New Emblem: Vote Rocker!

WOO-HOO! I got a new emblem, Vote Rocker! WOOO!

On a different note, I'm still looking for charter members of my C&C union. If you are interested, or know someone who is, let me know.


While posting in one of my unions a user by the name of blackredblack brought to my attention something very awesome that I had to share it with every one.

It's a movie called UltraViolet, it tells the story of a subculture of humans who have genetically modified by a vampire-like disease called Hemophagia giving them enhanced speed,incredible stamina, and acute intelligence. As they are set apart from "normal" and "healthy" humans, the world is pushed to the brink of worldwide civil aimed at the destruction of the "diseased" population. In the middle of this is an infected woman, UltraViolet (Milla Jovovich), who finds herself marked for death by the human government.  (From the

Click here for the trailer and judge for yourself. 

2500 posts and school starting

I have reached one of my goals of reaching 2500 posts. Now, I'm aiming towards 5000 posts.

Sadly, today ends my 4 week vacation, school starts tomorrow and (like most of you) am not looking fowards to it. So, with that said, I wanna take this time to let unions in which I am an officer in that I'm not going to be on as often as have been. Plz don't demote me.

Old-school emblem


OMFG, I have been trying to get the old-school and the hella old-school emblems for a year and a half. Does any1 know WTF I have to do to get one or both? 

Happy New Year!

I wanna wish everyone a Happy (and safe) New Year. Now, let's party! w00t!

On a different note, I am still looking for people to become charter members for my C&C Union. (See previous blog post.)