cronew1's forum posts
I've never glitched but I am wondering if it is possible to glitch to get under the map kill people that are glitching and then get back on top of the map and finnish playing like normal. Everyone keeps talking about camping the spots but I don't know were they are and I don't like to camp much. But usually there is some one on the team that knows how to glitch and we could tell him to go in and kill the cheater.
I played it on co-op my friend shot the eyes and I got as close to it as possible with out being eaten so that I could get in there as fast as possible took only two tries because he tried to go in after me and got wrecked
The TC isn't asking about the new PS3s. He's asking about his 80GB (MGS4 bundle) which did still have BC.[QUOTE="Mosannam9696"]No im pretty sure all the new PS3's have no backwards compatibility at all.jt4mtb
To the question at hand, I'm not sure if it will work. I tried checking the compatibility database (, but Chain of Memories is not listed at all; which means Sony hasn't updated it to reflect any of the more recent titles. KH1 and 2 are listed to work just fine though. You'll have to wait and see if anyone here has actually played Chain of Memories on a PS3. As for the memory card question, presuming it's playable on your PS3 you don't need to buy a memory card. You can create "virtual" PS2 memory cards on the PS3 hard drive so you can save your games. Take a look at "Memory Card Utility" under the games section of the XMB.
That website is great I just checked it out, it even tells you were you might have graphical issues with certain game and the patches that latter fixed them I'll keep this in my favorites I am gonna have to start looking back at some other oldschool franchises
Thank you all very much for your help I am really looking forward into starting this franchise but I forgot to ask 1 question should I play them in the order they came out? If I remember correctly Chains of memmory is a prequel to the second one.
There is not enough hype out there for this game glad to see so many other people looking forward to it
I never played the games but with the remake of the GBA one for PS2 just being released I was thinking now was a good time to pick up all three games for about $60. My question is will it play on the 80gb PS3 that has limited BC. I got the one with the metal gear bundle but if what I have been reading is correct it is somehow limited. I also don't know if I need a PS2 memmory card or if I can just save it on the hard drive. It seems like a great series, all the fans seem very passionate about it and all the forum talk about an inevitable sequel has made me look at the series agaian. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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