@musicman65000: Its a joke on twitter, not an ad in TV or streaming channels. Chill and have some sense of humor... and there has been plenty of promotion for the game based on its other elements.
@demi0227_basic: what are you talking about? I had at least one replay of each of the games in the original trilogy without a love interest, hence no love scene towards the end of the games. You always have the choice, the game does not force you to experience those scenes.
@reavern: 1. I've despised UbiSoft since 2014 for lack of imagination and innovation and releasing broken games out of greed.
2. Make up your mind, either I'm a BioWare whore or UbiSoft whore or do you finally realize I appreciate hard work. But it's for sure you are a sore lonely masturbating loser.
@reavern: You are nothing but an entitled liar and ignorant who fails to comprehend the complexities of game development of the current generation and the ones to come. Because your certificate course in game development is epitome of LITTLE LEARNING IS A DANGEROUS THING what I call. Calling me dillettante only proves how much my understanding and appreciation of game devp rattled you personally because you lack the same basic understanding which further angered your inner conscious. I am no BioWare apologist, I speak for most developers. I know the difference between entitlement and sycophants. I just appreciate the hard work of people unlike filth like you who thinks they own the world with their 60 bucks. If the game is broken at launch, I will be the among the first ones to call out and that it needs to be fixed, but being nostalgic about how wonderful and perfect the world of games 10 years ago used to be doesn't really strengthen the logic behind hate for patches. Oh and I am yet to see a massive scale game like ME Andromeda built flawless by YOU.
I wonder how many of you guys/gals that are complaining about patches actually know about current generation video game development (or any simulation for that matter) and what it even takes to make sunlight shine through tree branches with wind effects on. For that matter can you even develop the fundamental equation that governs wind generation (if it wasn't already built in the engine).
So, shut your little entitled holes and appreciate the privilege of enjoying a software license that has been created with years of painstaking late nights, sweat and intelligence. Your $60 bucks does not entitle you to judge something as basic as a Day 1 patch (which is only meant to enhance your entitled experiences) based on nostalgia and complete ignorance of what it takes to develop even a functional AI.
CrusaderProphet's comments