@timtolo No problem. You're not saying ridiculous things like, " an obvious cash grab and removal of features/content" in such an arrogantly smug manner. The only thing "obvious" is his ignorance.
See, this is what is wrong with people like yourself. You have absolutely no knowledge of how games are made and why things happen as they do. Forza 5 was built from scratch. It was not ported over from Forza 4 and then stripped. Of course GT6 is a bigger game, as it is an expanded version of its past releases. There is absolutely no reason for anything to be stripped from it. Forza 5 may offer little in comparison to past versions, but because they had to get what they can into the game, with most of its better options and offerings in tact. The Xbox One wasn't even a finalized hardware 2 months before release, so take into consideration the fact that the developers at Turn 10 and any other developer for Xbox One/PS4, were basically programming blind (why else would COD need a 1080p patch?). Use some fucking sense before ranting.
so what were most of those 150 employees doing? Answer us that? It was a huge ass game several years ago, and now they are just "modding" it and selling it as a new product. They didn't build GT6 from the ground up, you know? No, you don't know...you're just ignorant.
that is opposite of what numerous Sony fans were saying last month in their attempt to diss the Xbox One saying that GT6 looks better than Forza 5 graphically.
@frylock1987 the FTP model of this game is absolutely genius. You can pay character by character, buy the 19.99 version which gets you all the characters, or a 40 dollar version that gets you absolutely everything the game will offer. This is exactly how a free to play should be. It's very flexible. I went ahead and paid 5 dollars for a character and can enjoy all the modes. What is wrong with that?
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