@itz_sinz: But horizon zero dawn isn't in this list. and that's the problem. The list does look dire. lets hope scorpio helps bring more exclusives forward.
@sellingthings: I suppose that is the issue with console gaming. I've managed to accept what a console can do and make do really.
I think 30fps for bit of casual gaming here and there I don't mind it. but it is refreshing to see the console developers trying to target higher fps gaming. problem being is that they want 4K at the same time. Doesn't help the cause. but perhaps they'll pull it off eventually.
Iv'e always got a decent enough PC when it comes to just playing everything at its best setting where possible. But then again I'm either playing the game fully immersed. or just whacking all settings up and just enjoying the visuals and the environment within specific games.
I can already see that console gaming will inevitably become as expensive as PC gaming to a certain extent. just to keep up.
@biggamerdude: Resolution and Framerates are not tied together so regardless of fps. 4K will still look great in sense of detail and graphical fidelity. Frame rate just comes down to fluidity of motion and gameplay experience.
Yes what good is 4K when the framerates are horrible but 30 fps is perfectly acceptable when playing games anything less then its safe to say stick to 1080p. It's just down to what compromises will be made in the resolution or graphical settings to achieve higher frame rates.
P.s. 4K @60 frames per second is always going to be a better experience than 4K @30 Fps.
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