@FAIL_TR0LL @Immortalsaiyan @cynicalundead @Rovelius IDK, that video looked pretty sweet in HD. I have a 65 inch TV and the old Gamecube and Wii games look like utter poop on it.
But, for example, New Super Mario Bros Wii U looks quite amazing. *fap fap fap.* And was so much fun.
@wcwj26 People wanted this WiiU to have graphics like a $4000 gaming PC, and want them to release umpteen 10.0 scored games in 4 months time. The reality is it was $350 and does pretty good at what it does for such a small price.
Like the Wii, I bought a Nintendo 64 just so I could play Turok and Mario 64. This was a pretty substantial investment to play 2 games. But the majority of N64 games were meh, but there sure were some fantastic games along the way too.
Most of the games for WiiU so far have been pretty craptacular, but I am sure there will be a few great ones too.
Like I sad before, they rushed this thing to get it out too soon, that 10.0 Mario game is still in development and won't be out until Christmas or sometime in the future.
@TomMcShea @Immortalsaiyan @Tri-Enforcer Tom I am definitely going to be disappointed if they go the whole motion controls route with the newest Zelda. My fingers are crossed that they won't.
@wcwj26 I wasn't really being serious either. But sorry if you took my remark as ca jab towards you. I think the WiiU is pretty meh, but some of the games are great. But I also think people take these games and consoles too serious and expect way too much.
@Panorama12 I never played any of the DMCs and I thought the first Dragon Age was boring and didn't finish it. I bought BLOPS 2 and got bored with it and didn't finish it. So I don't know what you are getting at.
cynicalundead's comments