I have to concur with SlothyCounter on this one. Gamespot would be acting hypocritical if they allowed D3 to get away with it and held Sim City to higher standards.As a gaming company specializing in reviews, it's their job to be objective. Their review of Sim City was not objective. Argue how you like, but there isn't a member here who would claim that the DRM fiasco had nothing to do with the low rating.
This was a political move by gamers, and supported by a gaming company. This move was against DRM, and companies that enforce it. EA made a mistake with that particular component, but a large portion of the game still remains an innovation.
Take this analogy: It's like you bought a new car. Okay, it's a BMW, so maintenance is high and you'll always have expenses with it. It's sold to you with a faulty set of tires. You decide to review the tires in depth. That's what happened with Sim City. You can't drive on faulty tires, so you rage and hold the entire car responsible, even though BMW didn't make those tires.
Totally over it. Game was a let-down, and EA made an enormous mistake with the DRM. So...two weeks after launch, I'm moving on and strengthening my new years resolution: Never buy a DRM based game again...from anyone. Period.
To be clear: Do not rate the game if you haven't played it. Taking a stance on DRM is one thing, but you're only lowering yourselves to EA's level if you react as emotionally as this. Kevin did a awesome job with his review because, although he mentioned the server issues, he largely addressed the game as well. Many of the user reviews here don't express anything about the game whatsoever and just complain about the DRM.
All of that being said, if you can actually log on to the game and bypass their horrific server issues...it's not bad. If anyone would like to disagree with me, by all means...but do not yell DRM at me. I was there with the preorder of Sim City and the midnight release of D3 with the rest of you.
@walter906 You clearly never played Diablo 3. Servers crashed at midnight release, and nobody was able to play for the first week. That was Activision, EA's biggest competitor. EA is facing a problem that, in comparison, is minuscule Their servers only block out a percentage of users. I've been playing for the last 24 hours no problem. You won't see a dime from this, just as purchasers of Diablo 3 didn't see a dime from their fiasco.
When you review a game you don't review their DRM. It's a percentage of the review, not the entire thing. I honestly find the current GameSpot user score of this game to be laughable.
Washington: Probably one of the only presidents in history who expressly stated that he wanted nothing to do with the presidency. Oh, the irony of this DLC. :)
@BOctober26 Allow me to correct you, as I do have an extensive historical background on theology.
Homosexuality is an abomination of organized religion. It is stated in the tenets that you follow that it is expressly forbidden. Now, the issue with this, is that the will of God and the will of the Church are two separate entities. The Bible is a collection of writings from various writers who were "inspired" with the Holy Spirit. Now, did you know that when the Church was founded through Saint Peter, and the New Testament written, that hundreds of entries were rejected? In order to transition well with the Pagan Roman culture, Chrisianity also adopted various Pagan beliefs. So do not, ever, make the mistake of assuming that the Bible is a work of God. It is the work of men who were inspired by God, and if you've learned anything from the Bible, you know that men are corruptible.
All of that being said, one can believe in Christ and God and detest the practices of the Papacy in Rome. To be frank, good sir, I doubt God truly cares about whether or not it is a man or a woman that you sleep with. He did give you free will, did he not? I would say he's far more concerned about this Pope retiring from his life-long duty to the Church, or about the thousands of people who die of hunger per day, or perhaps about the fact that humanity is consuming the planet on a catastrophic level, all because they believe that "Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air" (Gen 1:28).
EDIT: The issue is that the Church has the term "marriage" copyrighted, and our Founding Fathers didn't think to call it anything else. Homosexual couples should be allowed every right that heterosexual couples are allowed, but until the Church changes positions on this (which it will, as it has everything else, it is the nature of religion) the state cannot legally force the church to implement their sacrament. Separation of Church and State.
@raahsnavj @Meta-Gnostic Well...you'll be disappointed. PC gamers are raving because they were screwed over with their launch, and Blizzard is fixing PC complaints with the console version. So...that being said, PC gamers feel as if they paid to be a part of a Beta testing, just so Blizzard could see how far they could push their consumers.
All of that aside though, it is a mediocre game at best that is fun for...possibly the first hour or so? Beyond that, you probably won't find yourself doing multiple playthroughs...it's just too boring, and without the AH or their DRM (ironically) there won't be much motivation to.
Edit: Just to be clear, this was never about console vs. pc...this is gamers in general who feel violated by Activision Blizzard (a common feeling nowadays), and just happen to be PC gamers because that's what Blizzard builds for. Trust me, they'll find a way to piss you off too lol.
So...in essence you pretty much said to your loyal PC gamers and fans of the trilogy: "Look, we're going to make sure you guys always have to be logged online to play. Also, we're going to introduce this crazy AH system that is more aligned to Free to Play Facebook games than anything Diablo has ever had."
And now you're saying: "BUT...we're going to release the same mediocre game for your console counterparts, and we're going to get rid of those things that pissed you off in the first place. Well played, yes?"
Just get rid of the permanent online for both versions, have no idea what was going through your guys' minds except for an image of Kotick with $$ signs for eyes.
@Blade_Runner22 Very much agree with you Blade Runner. He was being held back by his PR, and didn't want to compromise his company before the console was even released.
I'm just glad that some of the most important decisions such as DRM, are being heavily considered by Sony. His reluctance to address the topic means that his company is very hesitant to go through with it.
I'm glad they at least know it'd kill their system if they went through with it. Imagine if Microsoft went after their release and allowed used games after Sony denied them? Whoever releases first simply cannot afford to do it, because it puts too much power and opportunity in their opponent's hand.
@philMcCrevis Apple is horrible with gaming. They operate on a closed-market system, meaning that they want you to only use Apple products, prevent you from doing any work yourself, and limit customization as much as possible.
Gamers build their own systems, upgrade frequently, use a variety of powerful gaming components from companies like ATI, Nvidia, Razer, etc. and pride themselves on knowing their technology better than anybody else. Apple doesn't like that, which is why most games and gamers go with open-market platforms.
Apple wouldn't last a day in the gaming world. If you know your processors and your graphics cards, you'll know that you get twice the punch in a PC than in a Mac for the buck. And if you have any idea how to use your PC, you don't run into the problems that almost all Mac users claim that you have. I custom built mine years ago and have yet to witness a crash, a virus, or anything of the sort. Plus, I have 16gigs of RAM and a Radeon Switchable Graphics card that can play any Crysis on Ultra. If Apple could match that for less than a grand then I stand corrected...but the fact is this: They can't.
d_kell411's comments