Mario strikers is similar to rocket league in my opinion. Or twisted metal. A mix of those two games.
da_chub's forum posts
I hesitated on whether I was going to get this. Now the only thing I can say about Hyrule Warriors is that it is a Zelda game I never knew I wanted.
im 32. my wife thought I would grow out of gaming, and I thought so too. Back when I had a GC and PC, my friends had xbox and ps2, I got increadibly bored and starting to give it up. well, that was 8 years ago and i play more today then i ever had. I got a Wii and it renewed my video gaming. Despite flaws, motion controls are awesome. I logged 1000s of hours over a new PC, Wii, Ps3, 3ds over the last gen, and still continue to play today with probably 200+ games over my few systems, and i know i will be getting a OC rift or Morpheus as my next gaming hardware purchase. until then, ill keep using my Wii U gamepad daily when im not playing dark souls 2.
hate on me all you want, but I hope Nintendo has a sequel for Other M in the works. As much as I want a FPS online metoird with a great sinple player and online co-op and deathmatch, but I would love to see Nintendo try the 2.5D again. Other M is almost a great game. Bad voice acting and a but shallow on the exploration ruined it from being a great Metroid game. But it def doesn't deserve the hate it receives.
ebay, Ive been doing the same thing and just expanding my 3ds colletion with cheap games off ebay.
i don't download many of the AAA Nintendo games, but i have over 30 indie and VC on my Wii U, as well as my 100+ wiiware/wii vc games on a 32gb sd card. still plenty of room for more. but id rather have a disc of Mario or Zelda even, as well as anything 3rd party games, that i can trade after. I do have like 75 wii/wii u discs too.
don't trust reviewers. just try the game yourself, and if you do, but yoshis new island and luigi manson are great games. maybe not the best ever, but great none the less.
Other M is not trash. it isn't a great Metroid game, but its a great game in the Metroid universe. They took the story, which has always been last on the list, and put it 1st. expect, they didn't do a good job at that. The gameplay is great, looks fine, love going between 3rd and 1st person controls. It did a decent job at being a 2.5D super Metroid, but the best thing IMO about Metroid is the feeling of loniless and being lost on an alien planet. Well, that was missing. And did you get 100/0%? because findling all the missle tanks and then beating entire game without energy tanks is lots of fun. Def not my fav metoid, but ive played it 5 times now.
touch screen controls are terrible for almost anything but a game like angry birds, plants vs zombies, candy crush. but try playing a FPS, or mega man style. they suck. the wii u gamepad is perfect, or even 3ds, vita, that incorporates strengths of both, buttons and touch, and motion if you want to add that in.
I don't trust reviewers any more then anyone else. If I looks like something I'd be interested in, I try it. I've played lots and lots of bad games that where a solid 8 in my book, and I agree with first comment. Too many gamers now are ok with bugs in AAA games and it's now ok for games to be released and patched day 1, instead of just waiting 6 months and putting out a quality product 1 time. But they keep 2 people fixing it to get the rest of the team started in the sequel.
Needless, just play a game for yourself, or the only games we will see this fen will be cod, ff, Gta, AC , batman year after year.
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