My wii and wii u are gaming only. Pc is gaming aside work related stuff. 3ds gaming. Had ps3 til I got wii u. Gaming and DVD/Netflix...probably 50/50. I traded it for a wii u and now use a roku player and my blueray.
I've played every Zelda game, multiple times, and maybe ss isn't the best, but there is nothing wrong with it. Def a 9/10 in the Zelda series, but I personally thought controls where best controls in a video game period. Maybe had a few issues, which is no more different the button mashing issues, but I thought the controls added to the expierence and overall I'd like to have had dark souls with Zelda ss controls. As a side, I'm replaying it threw my 11 year old son who never played Zelda, and he complained about controls for a while, but he loves game now. I'm just breing his " guide". I need to break his obsession with only playing nothing but shooters
Still buy dark souls, it is the last rpg you should ever buy anyways. but Dragon age 1 is a decent traditional rpg. I would also recommend kingdoms of amular.
Game that defined this generation of gaming. Legand of Zelda SS. Why? because graphics arent everything. Zelda SS was a great looking game for wii and a zelda game. the game itself is amazing. but this gen has been about motion controls. All consoles have it, they all have tried to do it right, but only 1 game did it right, and thats Skyward Sword. If a game like dark souls had SS controls, it would have been just that much better. Nintendo showed us that motion controls are the future, when done right, it will help immurse you into the game that much more.
well, here is my ongoing list of games in currently playing and which system. PS3...Dark Souls, Doom 3 and Game of Thrones Wii...Zelda SS and Geometry Wars 3ds...Kid Icarus and NSMB2. mostly dark souls for the last few days, but most those games need to be finished before Nov 18.
yea. i would be selling my ps3 for a wii u but i will need it to play bluerays. i only bought it back then because wii didnt do dvds, netflix and my pc was needing updating. ps3 was a good choice for the last 3 years, but i have about 15 disc games for it, and i have a 75+ for my Wii. and im a 30 years old and i feel like the ps3 is meant more for kids then my Wii is. especially when my 10year old son and his friends only play only COD year after year, while i play mario and zelda. funny thing is, which game is meant for kids?
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