not that you can really compare the two since they are complete different genres. but Zelda is my personal fav. Been playin both series my whole life, and i will always continue, but zelda games IMO are the best games in all video games. I am playing dark souls right now, great game, but it doesnt compare to playing SS on hero mode with m+ controls.
i played borderlands 1 entirely offline. It was a bit boring towards to end, but i still enjoyed it as much as another single player FPS. Dark Souls is meant for single player, but if your stuck, then ask for help. The Co-op is done perfectly for a single player rpg imo.
you can get a used wii off ebay for like $50. pick some games up for 10$ a piece, and for less then $200, you can have a great system with like 10-15 games and controllers.
actually i play more with friends like this now then i do just playing something like COD mulitplayer. I actually stayed up last sat night with a bud and some beer playing Doom 3 all night. But who's to say we didnt play some Twisted metal as well.
my parents got us a NES and SNES. But i was 16 when i got my N64 with my own money. Best investment into a video game system i ever made. i still have it hooked up with 9 games and 5 working controllers.
N64. 4 person Smash Bros, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, etc... not to mention Mario, Zelda are some of the best games ever. Still gets used by my 11 year old son.
try Kingdoms of Amular. It is a great game that really has no issues. Has the RPG of WoW, but has button mashing and combat that would rival GOW. only GOW3 was only like 15 hours long where Amular is 100s.
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