Playstation, N64
Playstation 2, Gamecube
Playstation 3, Wii
3DS, Vita (soon to be)
Playstation, N64
Playstation 2, Gamecube
Playstation 3, Wii
3DS, Vita (soon to be)
3DS: Mario Kart 7
Vita: Waiting for Gravity Daze
Somehow, it feels like you should've been the thread starter with this list (even if I disagree with Muramasa and Eternal Sonata being up that high). Then again, you wouldn't have the same list if it used the same broken logic as that ranking system.Here's the real list.
1) Xenoblade Chronicles
2) Demon's Souls
3) Dark Souls
4) Valkyria Chronicles
5) Muramasa: The Demon Blade
6) Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
7) Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
8) Eternal Sonata
9) Tales of Vesperia
10) Final Fantasy XIII-2
11) Tales of Graces f
12) Tales of the Abyss
13) 3D Dot Game Heroes
14) Lost Odyssey
15) Blue Dragon
I know that Demon's / Dark Souls and 3D Dot Game Heroes don't have traditional JRPG gameplay, but they're made by Japanese studios in From Software and Silicon Studio, so I consider them JRPG.
And 48hours, your criteria is flawed because you're basing this off of how many times a game is mentioned, completely disregarding the context behind it. Then you go on to say a game gets punished for having people talk negatively about it, when people always talk negatively about popular things, no matter what it is. Plus, games that are released more recently are obviously not going to be talked about as much as a game that's 5 years old, so honestly, this critieria is about as worthless as it gets.
Quite a cast of big named characters. I could understand how they may blend in a Super Smash fighting game setting, but an RPG? ( -_-メ )[QUOTE="daiyume"]
[QUOTE="Go Nintendo"]
Ryu & Ken (Street Fighter 0), X and Zero (Mega Man), Demitri and Dante (Darkstalkers and Devil May Cry), Chris and Jill (Resident Evil)
Shinguji Sakura and Ogami Ichiro (Sakura Wars), Pai and Akira (Virtua Fighter), Kurt and Riela (Valkyria Chronicles), Ulala and Touma (Space Channel 5 and Shining Force EXA)
Namco Bandai
Sanger Somvold (Super Robot Wars), Jin and Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken), Kos-Mos and T-elos (Xenosaga), Yurie and Estel (Tales of Vesperia), Kaito and Black Rose (.hack)Spinnerweb
I'm looking forward to how this will turn out.
At least there are Valkyria Chronicles characters. Woohoo! :DTrue ( ◠‿◠ )~[QUOTE="Garysafc25"]I don't mean the ps1 classic but I really want to see a final fantasy 7 game on the vita. Just like crisis core on the psp which was a great game. A remake of the original ff7 would be epic on the vita. I am craving a ff7 game right now and for the vita. Think it may happen?vgmkyleI wasn't a fan of Crisis Core, or any FFVII spin-off other than Advent Children. Definitely think a FFVII Vita game is possible though.Sadly, given the Vita's current performance, I think a remake of FF7 would sooner come out for the PS3/360 than for the Vita. Whichever platform its released on first becomes a day one pre-order for me, though I really hope the Vita gets an exclusive version first before the rest.
Which reminds me, isn't there an old interview with Square stating why they haven't already went ahead with the PS1 remakes of FF7-FF9? They said something along the lines of it not being plausible because they had too much pre-rendered background scenes that wouldn't translate well into a remake within a reasonable timeframe using today's technology.
Quite a cast of big named characters. I could understand how they may blend in a Super Smash fighting game setting, but an RPG? ( -_-メ )Capcom
Ryu & Ken (Street Fighter 0), X and Zero (Mega Man), Demitri and Dante (Darkstalkers and Devil May Cry), Chris and Jill (Resident Evil)
Shinguji Sakura and Ogami Ichiro (Sakura Wars), Pai and Akira (Virtua Fighter), Kurt and Riela (Valkyria Chronicles), Ulala and Touma (Space Channel 5 and Shining Force EXA)
Namco Bandai
Sanger Somvold (Super Robot Wars), Jin and Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken), Kos-Mos and T-elos (Xenosaga), Yurie and Estel (Tales of Vesperia), Kaito and Black Rose (.hack)Go Nintendo
I'm looking forward to how this will turn out.
If being sold at a $60 loss makes it so they would only be profitable in 3 years selling at a $110 dollar loss per unit sold would make it so they wouldnt be profitable for 5-6 YEARS, the entire lifespan of a console.Noj_LeakimYou're forgetting that the price of tech becomes cheaper as time passes by and more advanced tech becomes available. For example, if Nintendo was making profit by selling it at $250 during its launch and lowered the price to $180 in August 2011 while the parts also became that much cheaper during that time, all Nintendo "loses" is the extra $70 it could've made by keeping it priced at $250.
The parts used to manufacture a Vita are going to be more or less the same as it is now, 5 or 6 years down the line. If it costs them $300 to produce a single Vita now, its definitely not going to cost them the same next year. If they lowered the price during the fourth quarter of this year for example, they might be breaking even when you take into account how much the cost of those parts have lowered by then. When I say breaking even, I'm talking about being able to drop the price by X amount while still maintaining the same $60 loss they are now, during the fourth quarter of this year.
That is part of why I think a price drop is very possible by the end of this year. I'll still be picking mine up regardless of a price drop or not once Gravity Rush comes out though!
Is PSN down for anyone else besides me?
I'm waiting for Gravity Rush before buying one.
... Photoshop?oh, and relevant:
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