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dalilone Blog

all alone again....

*sigh* yep.. all alone again.. no ones on.. and really.. i shouldnt be on either.. but im bored.. and cant really be bothered doing anything else... so i thought... BLOG POST! :lol:

what i have done on tv.com today.

1) wrote a review for Big Brother. crappy show in my opinion.. therefore got a crappy review. :P

2) posted on topics i missed while i was sleeping and in school.. not many today.. looks like you guys had a quiet night for once. :)

3) rated episodes.... of everything. House, NCIS, SVU, CI.. my favourite shows

4) replied to other peoples blogs.. what more can i say? some of you have way more interesting lifes.

5) thought of going on another submissions spree.... but i couldnt be bothered

6) got pictures of the House cast from the House page... they're good for when i get bored.

7) im now posting this blog post.

very interesting isnt it? bored? very. i'm off.



tv.com screwing up!!

whats happened to my signature? everyones including mine seems to have dissappeared!!! that and just then my page loaded 10 instead of the usual 20 topics i have per page. and when i clicked on my username before i went to a page saying 'i've never heard of dalilone'

ahhhh!!!! if tv.com's got a bug.. please do get it fixed soon!

level 13!

yay! ive made it to level 13.... 76%!!! oh. and ive also hit 3200 posts.. yay :) lol...

today.. i went to the orthodontist again.. JOY. and  now my teeth are blue. well.. not all blue.. but still blue. if you get me.. i'm kinda bored.. which is why im posting this blog which really.. has no real purpose other than to announce my level up and ramble.

back soon.. hopefully with more useful stuff. :P




i changed my icon and my banner... (i just made the banner... took awhile.. adjusting all the text and pics so they'd just fit in) featuring TATE! :):):):)

oh.. and by this time tomorrow... i should be on level 13!


results.. of my loneliness - POTC icons part II

teheee.. so i was left alone the day before yesterday and said i was off to make icons.. heres what ive got for ya. :wink:

CanadianAbby - look down! will turner! :P :P :P :lol: :lol:

first batch of POTC icons

NEW batch of POTC icons

there we are. :) after this batch ive got another two lots of caps to go through.. so there should be at least one if not two other batches.


... my "loneliness"... a bad thing? :lol:


nobody's on!

its happened again! no one's on the forums at all! and i really cannot be bothered going through and replying to every thread that ive missed.. just the important or ones that ive been posting in.

so now that i'm all bored and ive already had the econs test and dont have to study for anything and theres no one to talk to i think i shall go back to my dear old friend photoshop and create some NCIS and / or POTC icons...


-come on.. come online now!

*all alone.. at this rate.. i'll get something done today.*


POTC icons ive made

music advertisement

just a little note... check out christianrock.net for awesome music! ive been listening over 4 hours :) hardly have song repeats, wide variety. sweet as.

dont let the name scare you off.. sure its christianrock.net ... but the songs aren't all praisey n worship-y if you get what i mean.. its basically rock.. without any swear words. :)



EXO day

EXOday... anyone know what it is?

EXO day = excellent day. its a day in school put on by the christian students in the school to show the rest of the school that life is excellent and that you don't need drugs, alcohol and all that other crap which the world nowadays has to offer.. and thats exactly what we did in school on friday. we showed them how excellent life is.

we had free giveaways, free lunch, free pancakes, free pizza, free cd's, dvds, vouchers, cupcakes, showbags.. we got bands in, inflatables in.. and it was incredible.

and you know what was more incredible? being a part of the team. i was in the team and we had the most fun ever.. and best thing was that not just the team, but the students in the school thoroughly enjoyed it.. we had guys saying that it was the best day in the year!

i just want to thank the Lord for making it all possible, the principal's permission, the staff who helped out, the sponsers we got, the volunteers. im no idiot... things like this dont just happen without him. i love him with all my heart. :)

and i've got some photos here..

enjoy the day.. and remember that life is excellent.

luv dalilone. :wink:

come over and celebrate!

teehee.. yeah well. im celebrating... ive finally made it to the second highest NCIS contributor!!!!! now the only person in front of me is our great editor dmarex!

w00t w00t :)
