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My Most Wanted #2 + Updates

Narrowly missing out on top spot

halo 3: odst

#2 Halo 3: ODST

You do not know how close this was to the top spot. I cannot wait for ODST- it looks amazing, the campaign looks like something completely different to Halo 3 and obviously you cannot beat 4 player co-op. Also, ODST will come with three new maps for the best multiplayer game of all time: Halo 3. One of them will be a remake of Halo 2 masterpiece, Midship.

Check back tomorrow to see my most wanted game!


I have a full review of Fight Night Round 4 up, go check below if you want. I am also edging towards 20,000G, currently on 19,800ish so hopefully I should be on 20,000 soon. I also have a new banner up which is above. I created it in Photoshop- I am quite proud actually because I have never been taught how to use it and I just played around with it and came up with this.

Okay guys. Stay Safe.

My Most Wanted #3

The list continues...

fifa 10

#3: FIFA 10

I love football, or as the US call it: soccer. Due for release on 2nd October 2009 and narrowly beating out BioShock 2, the FIFA franchise has picked up it's game over the recent years to take PES' crown of THE football franchise.

Fifa 09 is still being played in my Xbox now- a true achievement for any game. With a few little enhancements, FIFA 10 will surely beat my expectations.

Check back tomorrow for #2!

Just a little question before I sign off, I created a banner in Photoshop, which I'm quite proud of, I uploaded the banner but it still hasn't shown up. It is able to upload to GS because I made a new account to try it out and it appeared straight away. I was just wondering if this was normal and how long I have to wait?

Okay guys, cheers.

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.

My Most Wanted #4

And at #4 is...

bioshock 2

Bioshock 2

The original BioShock has to be one of the finest games I have ever played. It is pure tension and the world of Rapture is simply stunning.

Seriously annoyed by the game's delay till 2010, which has subsequently got the game dropped to #4. Hope it is worth the wait!

Check back tomorrow for #3!

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.

My Most Wanted #5

I am going be counting down the list of my most wanted games. So to kick off:


Halo: Reach

Not much is known about Halo reach yet, a beta of the multiplayer will be included with ODST. If it's got 'Halo' in, I'm there.

Check back tomorrow for #4!

What games are you most excited about?

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.

What games have/would you pre-order?

Well, we're getting very close to the gaming avalanche that seems to come every autumn/winter. This year has got some big blockbusters coming to the Xbox 360, blockbusters I might not think will be any good, but their still blockbusters.

Well all my pre-orders to far have been from Amazon, mostly because their prices are ridiculously good prices. Well, so far have pre-ordered:

Halo 3:ODST (Xbox 360)- £29.96 Release Date: 22nd September

FIFA 10 (Xbox 360)

Well, regarding FIFA 10- I have just noticed Amazon have bumped up the price to £37 but when I bought it it was £31. Not bad.

And, probably the game I am most excited about, just saving up the money at the moment:

modern warfare 2 hardened edition

This is the Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition- weighing in at £69.99. Can't wait to play this and will pre-order this as soon as I have the money.

So what games are you pre-ordering? and what games can't you wait for?

Thanks, guys.

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.

Niko Bellic v Super Mutants (DLC!)

Hey, what's up guys. Well, we seem to have a period of a year where loads of DLC gets announced. Point Lookout was released for Fallout 3 a few weeks ago and now Mothership Zeta will arrive on August 3rd.

Fallout 3 DLC has been up and down for me. I bought the first piece: Operation Anchorage back in the beginning of the year and it was terrible- too combat based and boring. I was about to render it a complete and utter rip-off until I got a Gauss Rifle and T-51b Power Armour and other cool stuff at the end. The next piece of DLC I bought was Broken Steel. This raised the level cap to 30 and also gave you the chance to earn another 100G. This was a lot better, even though the quests weren't amazing fun; I just love Fallout.

So the two pieces of Fallout 3 DLC I haven't played are The Pitt and Point Lookout. My friend owes me some money and that will cover the cost of buying the one of these two. So first question, if you have played both of these, which is better? At the moment, I am leaning towards The Pitt, but I would love to see what you guys think.

I will hopefully be getting Mothership Zeta not too long after it arrives and then I should not be too far off 1000G on Fallout 3.

Another game with DLC planned is GTA IV. These are the episodes that Microsoft payed mega money to make exclusive to the 360, so sorry PS3 owners. The first one was the Lost & Damned, the story of Johnny Klebitz and his role in Liberty City. It was simply awesome, the best DLC to ever grace any console. Go check my review. Now the second and final episode has been announced for October- The Ballad of Gay Tony. According to Rockstar, this will focus on the "high-end night life". We briefly met Gay Tony in the original game and we know he has some relations in the Italian gang involved with Ray Boccino, however we don't know who we will play as or what it will be exactly about. I'm hoping to a return to Niko Bellic's shoes.

So basically, I was thinking about trading in some games I don't play (World at War, Dead Space), but then I thought, what's the point? There aren't many games to even interest me in the slightest at the moment. With DLC for Fallout 3, I can extend my experience with a game that nearly won my Game of The Year award and continue playing GTA IV, the game which did actually win said award.

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.

This is such an exciting time to own an Xbox 360!

Hey, what's up guys. Well, if you follow Mr. Xbox himself, Major Nelson, you would have noticed he has recently posted a blog about the Xbox LIVE Update Preview.

Confused? Let me explain. In August, the Xbox will get an update. This update does NOT include Facebook, Twitter and Last.fm on LIVE also it does not include the Sky Player for us UK customers. However, it does include a few things:

Games on Demand: At E3, Microsoft demoed a feature called games on demand. We all knew this feature was coming but we didn't know when. Games on Demand let's you download full retail version of games from Xbox LIVE. From the demo at E3, games like Oblivion and BioShock will be able for you to buy come August. Whether these prices will be competitive, I'm not sure, however, you will not buy these games with Microsoft Points. You will buy these games with the exact price stated. Can't wait to see it.

Items to unlock for your avatar: This was mentioned last E3, but now it is finally here. This will include the Avatar Marketplace- where Microsoft will be cashing in on stuff you don't really need. However, there will be some cool content on this and whether I will be able to resist is to be seen.

Better Performance and Tweaked UI: The Xbox Guide and the Dashboard at the moment isn't very stable- it has crashed a lot on me since NXE arrived November of last year. This update will increase performance and will also tweak the UI to make it easier to control the people who enter your party.

Other Stuff: Things like you being able to rate content, easier browsing of achievements and for those in the US, optimisation of Netflix. Loads of little tweaks to make LIVE better.

Well, back to the start and I mentioned the Xbox LIVE update preview. This is a program that Xbox is running where you get the update pushed out to you sometime next week so you can enjoy the new update a few weeks before the 'normal' people. I have signed up and I hope I get picked.

Anyway guys, last day of school tomorrow. Can't wait to finish for summer.

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.

The 360 Hub Union

Hey, what's up guys. Well, I have just have to go in school for two days next week, then my summer is HERE! Although, there are a few rumours that school will be shut because of this thing going round called Swine Flu (heard of it?, no me neither).

Well, I have been busy drawing up my plans for summer and I am going to explain a few here:

360 Hub Union

Yes, I will admit it, I am an Xbox 360 fanboy. I will argue till I am blue in the face that Xbox 360 is the best console ever (which is IS!) I just love everything about it, the games, Xbox LIVE, and I personally think it is the best looking out of the three consoles. So, in the coming weeks, I am going to set up an Union that has one specific goal: Be THE place to go on Xbox 360 discussion and news. There will specific roles for people to take up, these will include:

Graphic Designer: This is for anyone, who think they are good at creating icons and banners for the Union. This is essential as people will not want to join the Union if it looks terrible. Anyone who would like this job in the Union- please say something in the comments section and I will get in touch.

Reporters: This will include people who will need to go onto the gaming news websites (Joystiq, GameSpot, Kotaku) and post this news on the front page.

Anyone who has an Xbox 360: If you have an Xbox 360 and you want to know the latest news and talk about your experiences just join.

Before I start, I will need a graphic designer, as I am no good with this stuff. Please, if you are good at graphics, please contact me through:

My e-mail: daniel.lee1223@googlemail.com

Messages on GameSpot

Messages on LIVE

Comment in this blog.

This is a really exciting project for me and I hope that with the help of my friends here on GameSpot it can really work. I plan to create a community where people can come and talk about their experiences with Xbox 360 and discuss with people. With a really live community, involving Game nights, in house competitions, i hope this can really work.

BUT DON'T FORGET GRAPHIC DESIGNERS CONTACT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are other plans, but I will announce them in the future. There will be other jobs, if the Union grows to such a size. I hope to see all your names down in the comments section ready to join.

Thanks for reading guys.

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.


Hey, what's up guys. Sorry about the recent silence. Life's been pretty hectic recently. Well firstly, I have nearly completed my Work Experience- finish on Thursday. Really has opened my eyes to how the world at work is like. Firstly, the places I have been to would not be high on my list of places I would like to work. However, with the world in economic turmoil- there aren't many jobs about. However, I CANNOT WAIT to return to school. I have two days to do at school before I finish for summer. So I'm glad about that. Anyway, enough about that.

Anyway, I have been thinking of some gadgets that by 2010 I wish to get. Here's what I think:

iphone 3gs

iPhone 3GS

Well, who hasn't heard of the iPhone? The new iPhone 3GS is the 3rd iteration and comes with direct uploads to YouTube. Built in video editing. And speed, speed, speed. At £440 on Pay as you Go with O2- this might have to wait for a while.



Isn't she gorgeous? That, is an iMac. The best desktop computer. To put is simply: Macs > PC's. If you are reading this blog on a computer that is running Windows Vista: shame on you! Anyway, this is my #1 present for Birthday/Xmas (there close enough). I love my darling MacBook- but I prefer desktop computers- would fit perfectly in my newly decorated office.

BioShock 2 DELAYED!

Well, if you keep up on your gaming news, you would have heard that BioShock 2 has been delayed until 2010. I am sorry but this is a game that is getting me worried. BioShock was simply one of the greatest games of all time. But all this news of separate developers, delays, is getting me worried that 2K Marin won't be able to pull it off. Don't get me wrong- I hope they do.

modern warfare 2

Well, I will direct you to this video:


That is a video of, Robert Bowling, Community Manager at Infinity Ward showing the world the three editions you will be able to collect Modern Warfare 2 in come 11th November.

Standard Edition

Robert didn't sound too exciting about this. Saying 'You got the game, play it, have fun.' Before tossing it to the side.

Hardened Edition

Probably not the best name in the world. The hardened edition follows the traditional route of Limited Edition version of games. A tin case with a game that comes with a book full of concept art. Robert has said that it will cost $80- not sure what it will cost here in the UK- but it shouldn't be more than £60.

Prestige Edition

If you wanna splash the cash come 11th November you should go with the Prestige Edition. It comes with the Hardened Edition in the massive box but also comes with fully working Night Vision Goggles, with a 'Soap McTavish-shaped head' for you to display them on.

I'm not sure what I am getting at the moment but Modern Warfare 2 is going to be history and to own the prestige edition of the amazing day that will be 11th November. Also, I'm thinking a pair of Night Vision goggles will look sweet on display in my home office.

Final Recall

So guys thanks for reading this blog, I just want to say a few things before I sign off. Thanks to EVERYONE who takes out time to comment on my blogs. Thank you so much! Also, thanks the comments for the trailer I pointed you to last post, the feedback was very positive.

Also, look forward to a amazing blog post on Friday, I am going to outline my plans for the summer thru to winter. You will be amazed.

Don't forget to FOLLOW, FOLLOW, FOLLOW: www.twitter.com/danscfc

Me out.

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.

Just a little update...

Hey, what's up guys. Nothing much happening this week but I thought I couldn't go silent for the whole weekend. Well, I go for my contact lenses again tomorrow- have been going for a while now- just can't crack it. Wish me luck.

My mate releases his new Halo 3 map tonight- so, being a fan of video editing and stuff like that I decided to make him a little trailer:



I've been catching up on what I missed at E3 a lot today and I just want to say: Modern Warfare 2 will be awesome!!!!!!!!! Infinity Ward will deliver!

Okay, don't forget to follow me on Twitter, link on top.

Stay Safe. Stay Tuned.