@deathstream @danabo @torreth1 I'm not in any cult. Xbox fan here, usually a launch-day buyer, and not interested in the Xbox One. I know many people who are the same. It was a really, really bad reveal.
@deathstream @HackedLife In pure studio count, Microsoft is the largest internal development group for a console manufacturer. - This doesn't include third party studios that are contracted to create exclusive content.
"So we see that even after the latest cull in Polygons by Crytek, Ryse: Son Of Rome still has the highest polygon counts in a main character then any game before it. Infact the only game with a higher polygon count in main character is Star Citizen, which is not yet released."
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Battlefield 4 Call of Duty: Ghosts Crimson Dragon Dead Rising 3 FIFA 14 Fighter Within Forza Motorsport 5 Just Dance 2014 Killer Instinct LEGO Marvel Super Heroes LocoCycle Madden NFL 25 NBA 2K14 NBA Live 14 Need for Speed: Rivals Peggle 2 Powerstar Golf Ryse: Son of Rome Skylanders: Swap Force Watch Dogs Zoo Tycoon Zumba Fitness: World Party
PS4 launch titles:
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Battlefield 4 Blacklight: Retribution Call of Duty: Ghosts* Contrast DC Universe Online* DiveKick DriveClub FIFA 14* Just Dance 2014 Killzone Shadow Fall Knack LEGO Marvel Super Heroes* Madden NFL 25* Minecraft NBA 2K14* NBA Live 14* Need for Speed: Rivals* Pinball Arcade The PlayRoom Resogun Skylanders Swap Force* Super Motherload Switch Galaxy Ultra Tiny Brains WarframeWar Thunder Watch Dogs*
*These games have a multiplatform release date before November 15, 2013, implying a launch day release.
@Wizallah @antonio24z The great thing about a democracy is that the general population do hold the power to change these things, I just wonder how long it will take the public to come to that realisation, and will it be too late? Anywho, this is not the place for a political discussion.
danabo's comments