@RainIsMyDrug If America would manufacture products outside of the prison system, and pay respectable wages, GDP would increase as would disposable income and consumer spending. Savings and assets would increase and personal debt would decrease, but then they couldn't keep the poorest of the population in a disguised slave trade. :|
@RocX111 @pongley The thing could print out golden tickets at this point and nobody would care. The only statements they should give should be about exclusive games, and reiterating they will never implement the 24 hour check-in. The name is just something to point and laugh at, it's a horrible name.
@RocX111 Microsoft have managed to keep everyone saying how bad the Xbox One is since the reveal, and how great the PS4 is, it's not smart. They should stop talking and release games. The Xbox One is not a celebrity.
danabo's comments