Crap review. This game has fun by the bucket loads, and thats why we play games, for fun. I'm starting to lose a lot of faith in so called 'Reviewers' and their crap opinions. If your honestly thinking about not buying the game based off this review then I feel sorry for you.
Everytime I read the comments section on a Gamespot article I'm always reminded that there are some complete wankers in the world with nothing better to do. People that claim to like games yet prattle on about how some game is better than another in some weird wanky way or the fact some games seems to have personally injured their mentality and now have nothing better to do than go to some big games articles and rage on the game, and others whilst playing with themselves. A strange breed of human, thats for sure.
That is exactly how I feel about Assassins Creed 3. The game just wouldnt let you sink into it. I find this the case with most games nowdays that are pushed out by big publishers.
daniel79's comments