This happened with both Persona 4 and Catherine. they barely show anything before it was close to release. The only reason it was delayed from original 2014 release because they decided to put it on PS4.
I'm excited for KH III but it hard to get hyped when we have no release date or at least what year coming out. In all honestly most of my hype is consecrated at Persona 5 at the moment.
@Zero_epyon: thanks!! I will try remmeber those for next time but still find whole thing wierd and surprisingly funny!!!
I'm not saying TR reboot was horrible game or anything it just not type of game I would go out of my way to buy console just so I can play it. But I did buy WiiU to play Bayonetta 2 and I was not dissapointed and thanks to that I can look forward to Xenoblade X and Fatal Frame 5.
So............if people don't care for the new TR are cows!!? In all honesty don't post that much in SW so I'm not exactly sure why u guys are calling each cows and lemm but whatever.
Personally I never liked TR reboot. I never felt connected with the characters or story. In cutscenes it showed how much Lara struggling to survive but end of the cutscene I have enough weapons and bullet to start one man army, even in hardes difficulty.
I'm honestly much more excited for Uncharted 4 but I guess that makes me a cow or is it lemming. Ugh.....this s**t is so confusing.
@ConanTheStoner: yeah, I guess that's the nature of the SW.
But I'm curious to know why is these days it so wrong to like Japanese games? I'm live in Canada but I'm originally from France and I also like games like Bioshock, The Last of Us and Tearaway. Dose that mean I'm obssed with American culture!!? What would they exactly call me, "Westerooo"!!? In reality they wouldn't call me anything because it okay to like western games but it really wrong to like Japanese games. it too stupid to be funny.
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