@SolidGame_basic: It's going to be plagued with ports of PS4/X1 games
darkhadou's forum posts
I'm not surprised. The mobile gaming market is making a killing offering free games, but charging 99 cents for 5 extra lives. The companies are in business to make profit and not provide charity.
Ok, are companies actually going to release NEW games? Or do I have to look forward to every PS2/PS3 era game being re-released? Sheesh!!!
Please elaborate the context in which the Bible speaks on those things?
Then please refrain from talking rubbish about things you may not be well versed about. ;)
@Sagemode87all it would do is teach kids that same-sex relationships prevail, and are no different/not abnormal to straight couples; including the option wouldn't make your child 'go gay'.
Not including this can be interpreted as some form of social commentary, but hey-ho.
See, that's where things go abnormally wrong with the critical assessments of video games. Critical knit-picks don't exist for movies or books, so why should they for video games?
For example: in Pulp Fiction all kinds of negative stereo typed events take place, yet no one labeled the film as racist, pro narcotics or pro homosexual rape.
Another example: the Bible talks about the killing of infants, skinning people alive, decapitation, plague, pestilence, betrayal, infidelity and so on.
Books and films have extremely controversial content that never gets attacked simply for being portrayed, yet you're making claims that 'not including' something 'can be interpreted as some social commentary', and that's such a vague leap at best. That line of thinking could lead to almost anyone or anything being accused of any imaginary subject matter used to strengthen any view point.
Please elaborate the context in which the Bible speaks on those things?
I don't get it. Should Nintendo be forced to do something they don't want to include in their games? Should McDonalds be forced to add Double Whoppers to their menu? It's their preference. Respect it. If you want a game with same-sex relationships, I bet there are tons of them out there you can buy that would take your mind off the fact Nintendo doesn't make them.
New console with a bigger focus on older games than new? Complete fail. The HD remakes should be icing on the cake to a great current game library.
This statement is the truth. Nintendo has had ample time (two E3's)to make an impact of some sort with this machine and have failed miserably. How do you release a new console and your major title is a remake of a Gamecube game? Pathetic! Even I, being a big Nintendo fan, are extremely tired of them!
Well....in order to be the "top 1st party game maker", one must make games. And that is one thing Ninty seems to have forgotten. Get back to work Ninty!!!Every Reggie news bit I read lately has him saying its all about the games, well then why are all the good games on PS4 and Xbone? The new donkey kong looks like it has no depth or innovation, in fact it looks like a free to play android game. It looks like a broke ass generic Rayman, and that is probably an insult to Rayman. In this day and age where we have GTA5 and many other games that are unbelievable shining examples of truely amazing developers pushing the boundaries, Donkey Kong looks like something you play on a loading screen while you wait for the real game to start up. The Zelda is a remake of a game with really bad combat mechanics and no depth to character building or story, someones grandma who has never touched a game controller would win in a battle with the enemies in Wind Waker by slamming the forehead against the buttons. Its not only a rehash, its a lazy rehash with no combat challenge. I almost feel bad for them, the current designers should be embarrased when they see the trailer to GTA5, or The Division and then sit back down to get back to work on the rehash simpleton games they are trying to act like are any good. They lost it man, big time. The talent at the top 3 first party sony devs makes Nintendos entire development community look like they just graduated programming school, in 1995.
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