I mean... why would Microsoft leave one of the main features that people liked in their game? Better to focus on cross platform on every system known to man since you know... Microsoft doesn't have any exclusives to play on their own system. The Phil Spencer way. Oh and for good measure, gotta work on that next cutting edge console so you can play all of those great xbox exclu.... oh wait.
It actually worked really well, but most people tried to stream through 2.4ghz which just wont work for streaming well. 5ghz wifi through steam link worked flawlessly though. The only problem I ever seemed to have was getting it to sync with my PC the first time, hopefully they fixed that by now.
Kind of but not really. The difference is that they are attempting it again but this time giving options. Meaning there will be a discless streaming system and another high end system with a disc drive and high end specs.
The problem with the original xbox one launch was they didn't give two options, they were just like, "we are gonna remove the disc drive, and you will learn to love it".
@darkhunterix: by the way the comment above is not an attack at you but rather my disappointment in the xbox's brand recognition since Phil took over. The 360 just had so many more interesting IPS created and exclusives to the point that the xone is just pathetic at this point. It is imo the worst system in the history of gaming for brand recognition. I loved my 360 when i had it, because there were so many good first party titles that I could be proud of owning and believing in. With the xone, I am legit embarrassed to even own this system. Its literally the laughing stock of everyone I know. If it wasn't for gears I would have never bought it in the first place. The next xbox really needs to have a better lineup to redeem their selves or I won't be purchasing it.
He can't even use the timing of when he became president as an excuse anymore. its been nearly 6 years, yes 6 years since Phil took over. He could have had two entire 3 year waves of development and good games to spit out during his tenure and we have received nothing but terrible first party games in that time. Meanwhile, sony has been spitting out AAA high rated first party titles like candy from a candy machine and they still are not done yet!
@fullyskully: its yet to be proven what Phil has done. Outside of backwards compatibility and the one x, the effects of whatever Phil is doing have not been seen yet. Sea of Thieves, terrible at launch. State of Decay 2, Dud. Halo 5, no split screen. Gears 4, pretty mediocre. Crackdown 3, terrible game even after the delays, and quantum break- trashed in reviews. Fable studio, closed it and doesn't even give them a chance to make another mainline fable game first to get back on the charts. Scalebound, cancels it. Within months of the one x launching, announces they have another system projected for 2020/21 time frame. Thus killing off a lot of their sales of the one x. I was considering buying one then decided not to when I saw they are making another system. Its a waste of money at this point. Game pass, launched to pretty much give everyone day 1 access for 15 bucks to try their mediocre games and realize its terrible then unsub, thus further hurting their sales. At this point the only glowing thing about xbox its its third party titles through gamepass... and even that is lackluster. The majority of the games on it are old games that we all beat years ago with the occasional newer one peppered in. Its not nearly as great as people make it out to be.
So, can you tell me again, beyond 360 backwards compatibility, what exactly Phil has done for this company since taking over for Mattick? Hes scrambled to get more first party studios in the past year because hes just now realizing that he hasn't done crap for exclusives since he took over in 2013. In addition, he is further burying the xbox brand by making every xbox exclusive also available on PC, thus making the brand of xbox a joke to begin with. Almost like they don't believe in the brand power of their own system and need the help from PC. What are the best xbox exclusive games and most unique on the system since launching? Sunset overdrive (exclusivity agreement launched under Mattick). Killer instinct, great game, development green lit by Mattick, and gears 4 while not the best game ever was a good comeback for the series and would have also been initially greenlit by Mattick.........
Mattick, during the 360 period, had almost as many exclusives and good games as ps3. Say what you will about him, he at least knew how to build the 360s brand and recognition, something that Phil has so far failed terribly at.
The bottomline is that the state that xbox is in now is BECAUSE OF SPENCER, he never righted the ship, he just took over for someone that accidentally tanked the company with a poor always online idea... its hard to look bad when the only place to go is up since your sales started so poorly. That doesn't mean that what hes done has had any meaningful impact beyond 360 backwards compatibility, which is literally the only thing that I use the system for now.
@bigbox: dude, its winding down for Microsoft also....
Whats actually happening is that the next generation is around the corner. All of Sony and Microsoft's first party developers are now working on games for the next generation. The only games that are left is ones that were in the middle of PS4 development already such as The last of us 2, Death Stranding, Days Gone, and Ghost of Tsushima. On Microsoft's side you have Gears of War, Halo (Which will probably get a pushed release date into the launch of the next xbox), and Forza. Neither company has plans beyond this for this generation. The only company that will keep pushing out new games will be Nintendo Switch because they are the only company that hasn't announced that they are making a new system and knowing Nintendo they won't bother to make a new one until 2-3 years into the next generation. It seems more likely that Nintendo will release a revamped switch like the pro or xbox one x around the launch of the new systems.
Also lets be honest here, the Final Fantasy 7 remake isn't launching until the next generation and will likely be a launch title on it or soon after launch for episode 1. If it was going to release this year or the beginning of next year then sony would have done E3 because thats a big mention. Same goes for the rest of the sony games I listed. None of them are probably going to make a 2019 release other then Days Gone which is why Sony canceled their E3 showing.
darkhunterix's comments