@nikolistary: I get what you are saying, but bioware was formed in 1995 and the company is 23 years old. Expecting any company to have the same employees across its entirety is really ludicrous. Game companies contract out and hire developers for each individual project that they do. I guarantee that you can pull up the staff list for each bioware game and it will be a complete mix up of developers, programmers, art designers, etc. for every game they have ever made. The only real consistent will be the director or lead in most cases, who spreads his vision to the employees that are working the project at the time. As such, Casey Hudson being there IS A BIG DEAL for keeping the entire development ship on the right track and I can completely guarantee you he was the one that made the call to push the game out to make sure that it meets the quality that people expect of a bioware game.
All that I am saying is give the team and the director the chance to deliver before we all jump in comments everyday saying anthem sucks. Trust me, there is no one waiting and anticipating anthem more because every bioware game I have ever played I have liked or loved, including Andromeda. As such, if Anthem is a completely awful game I will be right here with you complaining about how awful it is. Complaining before the game even launches though is just so terrible, but I get it.... people are entitled to their opinions I just wanted to share mine as well.
Just a story here but I was a huge supporter of Destiny 2 and its vision, I didn't really knock on comments much I bought it, enjoyed it, then saw all of its flaws and I was right here with everyone (as well as polygon) knocking on how it fell short. I feel like, however, Anthem could be the game that shows up Destiny and shows Bungie that they never had to do some of the shady things they did in the first place. It would be nice to have Destiny get called out for being a lesser game for once so that maybe Destiny will have some competition and not gouge us in future updates or titles. That is why I am a huge supporter of Anthem until I see otherwise.
Can people just wait for the game to launch and try it before you form an opinion about how awful it will be? Seriously....
Bioware had like 2 lower rated games than expected out of like 10 and people jump all over how awful they are as a game studio. I would certainly never want to be in any kind of work project or real life scenario with you guys. The moment I make one mistake, which will happen because I'm human, you guys would grab your pitchforks. Its crazy, just because Bioware had a rough patch with a few less then stellar games does not mean that they are incapable of putting out a good game! You guys act like if you ever made games every title would be crapped out as pure gold. Sheesh.
I honestly had a lot of fun with destiny 2 dumping 180 hours into the game in only like a 2-3 month or so period. What made me quit was much different then everyone else. It was the raid. I can deal with enemies being tough or mechanics here and there. Destiny 2s raid though, was rage inducing. A stealth mechanic that was instant death and reset if you broke stealth was completely out of place in Destiny 2, a game that didn't include stealth at all. The following week we continued the raid, this time we got the game show room. You had to jump through some hoops while holding a soccer ball like you were in some twisted dead rising 2 game show add on. That was as far as my group went before saying !#%^ destiny 2 and never logging in again. We attempted one other week where we got to run through some pipes like super Mario to get a loot chest that was in there. All just to find out that we just spent 2 1/2 hours running through pipes and traps like Mario just to have the loot chest that was hidden in there have a key lock on it (or was patched in a prior update, we never figured out what happened).
The most fun that we had in the entire raid was the pre-entry part where you have to run the symbols to the doors because it involved actual gun-play and a fun mechanic. It is a huge shame, because before that point I absolutely loved destiny 2 but their poor design decisions in the raid completely destroyed the game for me. I was even doing prestige nightfall's and I had every trophy in the game but the raid. All of that work just to have the raid lock me out of getting my platinum because of their crappy raid and the fact that no one wanted to do it. If they are going to institute raids they should take some notes down from final fantasy 14 and institute a normal mode and a harder prestige mode. Yes, I know they have added prestige leviathan since then but their tiers are all out of wack. Normal leviathan plays like the hard mode and i'm sure the prestige mode is only doable by like 1% of the destiny 2 population. In fact, when I was playing destiny 2 at launch the main groups known to clear the final boss in normal leviathian were all using an exploit where the boss would just stand there and let you wail on him until he died. It made it even more laughable for me and my group because even the best destiny 2 players had to resort to cheating because the matchmaking and difficulty curves were so out of wack.
One final note, if you can not complete the raid without being on voice chat then go back to the drawing board during raid development. The game show room I am talking about is literally impossible without calling out when to hit the levers and where the ball runner is. Not everyone wants to be sitting on voice chat calling out dumb switches. If you cant que into it and be able to complete it without a mic then the raid was not developed properly. It is too hard and complex.
I would love the bungie devs to try to complete one of these raids with no knowledge of it, a drunk brother, a friend that's in the middle of managing his crying baby, the guy that always wants to quit the entire raid after playing it 15 minutes, and the friend that only has about 2 hours before he has to go to bed. That pretty much sums up every group ever trying to do the raids that isn't a pro gamer. If they cant complete your normal mode raid then you made it too hard, complex, out of place, or frustrating.
@cherub1000: I would agree with you if they were ignoring players but they really are not. Any time players have given feedback about their product they have reacted in the players favor.
In mass effect andromeda they patched the crap out of that game when they knew they probably would not be making any money back on the work going into it. They patched animations greatly, multiple bug fixes, and more. It was literally like 4-5 months of non stop patching.
In star wars battlefront they literally halted their paid shop before the game even launched due to player feedback. What other company would ever do that? Then they re instituted it with a totally revamped system with cosmetics only in the shop.
In need for speed they also patched what people were complaining about.
Like I get that people love to hate on the big companies but you have to give EA some credit, they have acted on all of the feedback and acted fast. You could try to argue that it was just to try to get more people playing so they could make more money but in each case EA knew they already messed up and their financial goals would not be hit for the game but they STILL PATCHED AND FIXED WHAT PLAYERS WANTED ANYWAY. Battlefront 2 sold half of what Battlefront 1 did and they still patched it anyway for instance.
EA is a good company, but just like any company at the top: ATT, Comcast, EA, Walmart, etc. everyone loves to hate whoever is on top because its easy to do. This day and age it doesn't matter what a company does to make amends everyone still calls them filth and the scum of the earth. My question is, why do these companies even bother catering to people anymore. That's the point here, EA catered to everyone when in the end it did nothing, because as you can see, your still here complaining about it along with this mess of other people in these comments. In fact, these are posts that are completely off topic to the OP just so people can continue to bash EA. Its ridiculous.
@nibbin1191: you really love warframe, ha. I liked warframe as well when I played it a few years back. I had this cool warframe called Loki I think. Made an orange and black set out of it. I believe he had dual katanas and stuff hanging off of his back that looked like predators dreadlocks. If there's one thing that warframe excels at, its character design. I liked the way that combat worked as well.
The only reason I do not still play it is because there's so many other things out there. That and because a lot of the unlocks are gated behind either 150 hours worth of grinding or dishing out like 60 dollars. The card thing was a huge grind.
Did they ever add 4k and HDR support? That alone may make me jump in it for a few days. I recently bought a 4k HDR tv.
@cherub1000: They are all companies trying to make money.... they are not at your house with a gun over your head forcing you to purchase optional micro-transactions.
@ghost140: Gen X killed the game EA had no choice. People overly exaggerated to some animation issues and facial animations and pretty much buried the game. For those of us that actually played through and finished the game because we are not band wagon hoppers, the game was actually phenomenal. The same thing happened with battlefront 2, the game was actually great and you could get everything by just playing the game. Heck I had some awesome unlocks from just one weekend of play around launch. People just love to exaggerate and whine.
@ilukey40: and what if Mass Effect Andromeda was my favorite sci-fi game so far this generation? Not everyone got so stuck on facial animation issues that they talked their selves into hating it. I actually loved Andromeda. The combat was so much better, game play, rover, everything was an improvement on ME 1-3 except for the story and villain.
darkhunterix's comments