@VakarianGirl: you fight more than just footsoldiers in the beta... it sounds like you did not play past the first mission. Please play the demo fully before commenting.
- Full fledged voice acted story and side missions, which is a first for the shooter mmo type games that isnt just a generic pre set 7 hour story like Destiny. The Mathias story you played in the demo was a SIDE MISSION, so imagine the actual main story...
- Fully customized Javelin with interchangeable parts and advanced coloring. (The closest comparison, Destiny, still doesn't even have a costume/customization system and its been around since 2014. The closest its come with this is the infusion system but they made its cost too high for keeping a costume relevant with forsaken)
- First game to really properly take "rocket man/men" into a video game and in this grand of a scale.
- Loot table similar to diablo instead of like destinys forever getting crap drops system.
- You can equip a legendary/masterwork Item into every piece of your armor/weapons.
- Matchmaking for ALL content.
- End game activities are unique to end game and not just recycled story content/areas over and over, cough cough destiny cough.
- Powers feel strong and unique for each class.
- Multiple difficulty settings instead of just "I level Requirement or Power Level Only". It is similar to torment levels in diablo.
- What appears to be an actual unique villain that isn't just a re-skinned regular enemy, cough cough Destiny cough.
- Interesting alien races.
- Frostbite engine, so we know the graphics will be pushing the PS4 to its absolute max. The beta was beautiful.
Just a few highlights I can think of................................................................
Degenerate into something gamestop. We just got tired of likin' what ya told us to like. That's a breaks boy, Yeahhhh Ah, That's a breaks little man, Break it down!
This last good mainline story for this series was Black Ops 1, gave up after that as every other entry I bought was complete garbage. Advanced war fare and black ops 3 being my most recent purchases in that series. Both were so bad. Maybe its just not my thing though.
My interest in this game dropped so fast. Dumped a good 300 hours into it playing it and messing around with builds and weapon types and then once I stopped I just can't get back into it. I think it was the fact that the game was just one giant boss battle over and over. It just gets really repetitive after a while. I feel like the series is a one trick pony too, like once you have beaten and gotten obsessed with one of these games then you have pretty much done it all as they all play almost the same. In any case, I got more then my moneys worth at 300 hours.
Never been more frustrated then I was with this mode, attempted this like 7 times. The last time I did it I was in the clear and almost to the front door to end it and I even had one first aid item left. I didn't see the plant guy right before the tunnel and he grabbed me ending it for me. I was so furious that capcom would put the plant guy right before the last victory walk that I turned the game off. Even just watching this video of you doing it my heart was racing. Probably one of the most intense things I've ever done in a resident evil game.
Port Crisis Core: Final Fantasy to PC and then Consoles. The original Developer of it, Tabata, left square so all it takes now is talking square into into it. You can make this happen Durante!
I feel like this is content that was supposed to be at launch but they couldn't polish it in time, thus the free thing. No other reason it would be coming out only 3 weeks from when the game launched.
Create a guild wars 3, add controller support, release it for consoles, add the mmo trinity class types back in, make end game gear meaningful and more then one tier, and then maybe I will consider ever playing a guild wars game again. I loved this game for the longest time, until I realized that no trinity in the game for tank, healing, and damage dealer ruined this game. Every end game dungeon became a kite the mob around the room fest or CC fest which requires way too much team coordination. Crippled the game imo. Dedicated tank, dd, and healer has been a mmo/rpg staple for so many years for a reason.
Even other action mmos like neverwinter have dedicated classes for tanks and healing. Whats worse is that even the developers seem to know it sucks, because a lot of the end game dungeons they added with the fractals and such were turned more into puzzles and jumping around platforms then actually killing stuff. My friend tried to talk me into coming back to it years ago and took me through a fractal, I couldn't stop complaining. I don't play mmos to jump around like i'm super mario. So I complained to him. Then he took me to a normal end game dungeon. It was rampant deaths and kiting enemies around just like when the game launched. It was zero fun. Signed out of the game and haven't played since. I feel like it only rated so high at launch because leveling was a lot of fun and makes you think the game has a lot of good systems in place for endgame. So people cleared the story and leveled up in the main game then reviewed it. The sore thumb doesn't stick out though until you start trying the games end game activities, at which point you will quickly notice all of the above things that I posted here. Its the reason this game is pretty dead now.
darkhunterix's comments