@risingdawn: Hopefully the DLC monsters alleviates some of this. We really need some kind of an endgame mode though that gives us a challenge so that the gear we are farming for was worth it. They should do a challenge tower or something where it just spits monster after monster at you and you have to see how long you can last with limited items every wave. Now that would be some good end game. The items you get from the tower could give you drops to make augment level 2 gear a new level of augments. Sadly, I'm not sure if that's even seamlessly possible. It seems that even with the PS4 they still ran into hardware limitations. I think that is why there is only X amount of monsters per map at any given time and why we have so many loading screens and a mission counter instead of a seamless world.
@xnshd: I think that's exactly what happened. I played through and loved II. I haven't played 3 yet, its still on my backlog, but from what I have read if they would have cut out the side mission filler and just kept the main story (maybe let the game open up to optional missions after you completed it) then the game would have probably been at the level of greatness that 2 was at. Even despite it likely being much shorter after that cut. As long as it would have hit the 10-12 hour mark people would have probably been fine with just getting the main stories. They most likely ran out of time and stuffed the game with filler so the reviews didn't get slammed with the worst case scenario of "5 hour campaign" press. The 5 hour campaign thing completely murdered order 1886, which to be honest was a great game... it was just super short.
@mdinger: to be fair whoever thought of the whole they're, their, and there when creating the English language was smoking something. Most other languages condense things like this into one word that could be used interchangeably. That is why you see so many foreign people botch it. Heck, from time to time I forget about "they're" and I'm a native american speaker.
These updates make sense in a fighting game where you have guest characters. In a avatar driven co op game though? No one is going to want to be ryu or horizon zero dawn alloy... they want to be the character they created. Yeah sure give us a horizon themed bow or a set of daggers that look like ryu punching gloves. Thats stuff I can get behind. A skin that makes you look like a different character entirely though? Kind of dumb in an avatar driven game. I mean some will argue its free... but is it? You have to own street fighter to even take advantage of that one.
Just to note I have literally seen no one using these costumes. The only thing ive seen is horizon zero dawn palicos and the street fighter event has been out for multiple days now...
@gamingdevil800: Its been ages since I've played this but I believe there was a super quick loop you could do for the knights on the steps immediately after spawning in anor londo. You kill the first two with a 2 hit axe combo then reset at the campfire. I was able to complete what you are mentioning in like 2 hours. Its been a long time since I've played this game though but I think thats what you were trying to farm for if I remember right. Also you could easily get trophies in this game by offering to trade upgraded weapons to another player in return for him letting you kill him for the pvp trophies. I would just drop/trade the weapons then reload my save via the cloud upload/download features so I still had the weapons after the trophy popped. Anyway, sounds like you already got the platinum but I remember oh so well what you are mentioning ha.
@livedreamplay: he may have been once, but he was the director now man. He pretty much retired early which is why I said it must be nice. He will be back in a year or two with some indie game in his self started company once hes bored of sitting at home doing nothing lol. Probably will make mighty no 9 II or something.
If I had a picture of this guys mansion i'd link it then you may understand what I'm saying.
@asylum83: I'd take the stress no problem making the kind of money he was likely making lol he was pretty much an executive. These guys make 6 figures.
@Terminator95: I highly doubt this guy was working that much. Remember, we are talking about the director here. Not the person actually programming the game and doing the art work. He was likely making 6 figures and basically retired early (41 years old). He hasn't done anything according to wiki since his departure in 2014. That's why i was saying must be nice. He made bank and then left. Not knocking the guy, most people may do the same. I'm saying wish I was him lol.
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