From what I read its going to be another linux based OS game system kind of similar to the OUYA droid version. AKA this is full of fail. It will likely be DOA.
If project phoenix is riding on tiny metal being a success, then sadly project phoenix is not coming out period. Tiny metal looks like mobile game garbage. It literally looks like a ps1 game. In fact, one of the screenshots in this article isn't even in HD.
I'm mostly concerned with the progression in this game. Dissidia 1 and 2 on PSP had a really good RPG like armor and weapon system and leveling up. Virtually none of that has been shown for this game making me think that this is just another generic fighting game with very little depth compared to the old games. I may still buy it regardless since I am a huge final fantasy fan, I just don't think the game will have much lasting appeal.
Its honestly depends on what exclusives you like and where your friends are at. The specs really don't matter much for either of those points, which is why having more power in your box doesn't mean its the better choice.
@papachump: This was my biggest problem with it, it was literally two environments for the entire game. Either outside snow area or inside mall or business office. It got repetitive and dull after a while.
It probably just redownloads the game again and adds the 2gb of measly content they added inside of the 88 lol.
Also, the environments look the same as the base game and they are reusing the vex AGAIN lol. I got my moneys worth out of Destiny 2 but man if it isn't the same crap over and over. I wish anthem would just come out already to bury this game and show bungie how its done (as long as EA executives don't ruin it with pay to win micro-transactions).
Can you just give just give us the X series and legends already? That was the height of the series! Especially X4, my personal favorite! That snow level music, so amazing!
EA needs to take a few notes from Square Enix. Still one of the least scummiest game companies. Final Fantasy 15 has given out an onslaught of free content since release and all of their DLCs have been worth the associated cost. They also launched an online mode comrades that they totally could have tacked on a micro-transaction system to but they didn't. Instead, they will launch free content updates to keep people coming back and boost interest in their newly announced season 2. This is the way to do it. Give people what they want and they will keep coming back. Not everything is about $$$ and expensive random gambling boxes are a scummy business practice.
EA is just trying to copy rockstar but they dont realize that the online component wasn't what made GTA sell so many copies. It was the great single-player campaign that brought the majority of the players to it initially. Without the great single-player, their multiplayer would have dropped with the impact of a wet noodle.
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