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darthzew Blog

Hey, guys.... been a while, hasn't it?

I was thinking about my Gamespot days... I remember the highs and I remember the lows... Lots of memories. You could probably capture about three years of my life by going through that blog again.

But, most importantly, I remember the people here.

I'm talking about you, Katamari. I miss your off-the-wall blogs and your weird thing for cats.

I'm talking about you, PJ24. I miss your shotgun obsession and that Simpson's avatar you had for so long.

I'm talking about you, mindless1987. I miss that dancing Yoda avatar and your insightful comments.

I'm talking about you, Hungry_Bunny. I miss your uniqueness. You'd couple intelligence with a unique flair in all of your blogs.

I'm talking about you. Yes, you reading this right now. If you're not one of the above people, then I've probably forgotten to include. I'm sorry about that. It doesn't matter though... I still miss you all.

A couple of times I popped in to see what you guys have been up to. I never logged in, I just checked to see what's up. Ya'll were my friends and maybe leaving was a mistake...

I've been tempted to come back a few times, but I think it's best to leave this behind me. Gamespot is actually a chapter in my life. And you guys made it great. Thank you.

Well, I've been up to some cool stuff lately... I have two other blogs now. Both of them are writing blogs. One of them is called Story a Week and I post a short story every week:


And the other is Zombie a Week and I post a chapter of a serial novel every week... about zombies. Duh.


Are you guys still here? Or have things changed in the last year?

Hey, add me on Facebook:


(if that link doesn't work, just look up Wesley Julian)

Man, it feels weird writing this... I feel like I've gone back in time.

Tell me what you've been up to! Let's catch up!


Goodbye Gamespot

I've finally reached my limit. I'm leaving for good.

I've just finally had enough and I'm moving on for good.

I'll miss the people here, but not the place. I'm sorry this is abrubt, but I just don't feel right giving this site my hits anymore. It's not worth it.

You may add me on Facebook if you'd like:

Look up Wes Julian. To kow it's the right one, the picture will be of a guy making a funny face partially hidden between two other people.



Thanks for the good times while they lasted. I'm sorry it had to come to this.

--WA Julian

Star Trek

Let me get this out of the way, I'm a huge Trekkie. Not as big as I used to be, but I know every movie and every series very well. I read novels and I simply love the universe. I could take you at a Star Trek trivia contest.

Anyway, there's a new movie out that I saw yesterday. I wasn't totally sure what to expect, but I knew it was going to be good. But would it satisfy me as a Trek fan?

The answer is an easy, very, very easy and well-deserved yes. Star Trek was awesome.

I think the best part for me was that the characters were perfect. Every single actor was great in his part and then they were written perfectly.

The best, for me, was Carl Urban as McCoy. This was a total surprise because it just doesn't seem like a part for him. Everyone expected Zachary Quinto to come out with stellar praise and such, but Urban did the best. He got everything down. From McCoy's accent to his facial ticks.

Star Trek was funny and it was just a good movie! Even if you couldn't care less for Star Trek, this movie is awesome. Go see it and be surprised.

On a more personal note, I successfuly changed the status quo at my school. For about two months, I had been convincing people to go see Star Trek on opening night. A lot of people decided to go if only just to hang out. I got about 30 people to go, including a few teachers. Now, 30 doesn't sound like a lot, but it's ten percent of my school and a fourth of the high school.

In the past, it was that I was loser for watching Star Trek. Now you're a loser if you didn't.

I feel awesome.


Well, it's 2009 (why I'm staying)

I was just going through some of my past blogs and I noticed that I had given Gamespot until 2009 to shape up or I'm leaving.

Well, I had forgotten about that. But I am still here.

Honestly, if I was still doing that, I would have left. The reviews are bad, the news articles are getting later and worser... it's bad. In fact, Gamespot is even up for a Webby it doesn't deserve (it's in second place right now).

But I'm here to stay.


Because of people like PJ24, Lexlas, Hungry_bunny Katamari, and so many others. I could genuinely say that ya'll are people that mean something to me. Thanks.

You won't find me complaining about the site anymore unless it's something huge. I'm kinda tired of it myself.

I also notice that I've dwindled in popularity in the last year or so.... I'd have a good ten comments at least but I'm lucky to get five now... It kinda makes me sad :( But, whatever. I'll just have to go track some more people! Reccomend me some friends!

Anyway, either this IS my 200th blog or it's coming up. Party on the way!


I've got brass balls!

Well, I did it! I beat Bioshock on hard with the vita-chambers* disabled!

It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be... I saved really often and then I know just about every trick in the book. Some parts did get frustrating, like when I'd fight Big Daddies later on. Other than that, it just took patience.

Anyway, have a nice day.


I'm growin' brass balls!

I've decided that I need to extract the full experience from Bioshock. In order to do this, I'm gonna need a pair of brass balls.

It's an achievement called "Brass Balls" that I'm after. In order to get it, you need to beat Bioshock on HARD with the Vita-chambers disabled.

It's gonna be wicked hard.

But wicked fun.


This is a "video" I did mashing up Apocalyptica and Metallica. The song is "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)".


Please, tell me what you think!


Time and Regret

Time and Regret

WA Julian

This is a short story that I wrote. I'm very proud of it.I could use some critcism or suggestions. Thanks in advance for reading!

Nick discovered it as a boy. A boy of about eight years old discovered that he had the ability to manipulate time. It started one afternoon when he was in the kitchen and he accidentally burned his hand on the stove. He shut his eyes real tight and then he felt the burns disappear as he moved backwards into the hall. Everything moved with him and things that normally fell down fell up. When he said, "Stop!" it stopped. Scared, he asked his mother if she knew anything about it and she told him that he was crazy and should stop watching so many cartoons. But he wasn't crazy; he was the sanest of them all.

It didn't happen again until a year later when he was punched by the local bully. As he fell to the ground, he suddenly rose back up to his feet and then the punch was pulled back. When time resumed its normal course, Nick ducked and then struck a blow of his own; knocking the surprised bully to the ground. He became the hero for the day but his deeds were soon forgotten and the outcry soon became the normal and life went on. But not Nick's; he could never forget.

Within the month, he found his power again. On strange impulse, Nick told a pretty girl that he loved her. Before she could respond, he became afraid and then again everything went backwards. He felt his lips mutter those three nervous words in reverse, all the more painful this time. When he mentally told it all to stop and time resumed he instead asked what they had for homework. She smiled and delicately told him. Of course, he didn't need it. He would ask for a lot of things he didn't need. And he could get them.

As he reached the pubescent years, he started to focus and try to learn to control his strange anomalous power. In his dark room, he lit a candle and then blew it out. He knew that it wasn't any form of focus that granted him his power; it must have been something else. It would have to have been something present each time that he did it. Perhaps it was emotion. He did his best to draw up various emotions and finally he found one: regret. It tied together every instance perfectly: he regretted touching the stove, antagonizing the bully, and then saying, "I love you." He made himself feel regret and then the candle lit once more. He laughed one of the few laughs of his lifetime.

Soon, he started to use his gift. In math **** he answered a question out loud incorrectly and drew scrutiny. But after the teacher gave the correct answer, he went back and gave that one instead. His life started to become easier. He got good grades in school and made few mistakes. But he was pained, afflicted. He had to live with every mistake he technically did not commit. Nick regretted what he did not do. He could forgive, but he could not forget, especially things that never happened. Sorrow and then depression took in for what others could only see as no reason. Not a man, woman, or child understood this boy.

For a while he thought of never using his power again. Nick went a whole week where he failed. Repeatedly. They were such sweet, sweet failures. But then the reality hit him that these were public failures, not the private and secret ones he had before. They seemed so real to him. And what pained him was that they were. Insensitively, he had told a girl that her dress looked ugly on her. Brashly, he had pushed his way through the lunch line and then faced social trials for it. And finally, Nick hit one of his best friends. Hard. He apologized but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough for him or for anyone else. When it was too much, he went back and did the whole week over again.

Nobody ever told Nick that they were sorry because he covered up the mistakes of others as well. There wasn't a way for him to fix everyone's mistakes, but he could try. For a while he believed that he was a superhero; that destiny had called him to fight for justice. Images danced in his imagination for hours on end. He could fly, he could save the world, and he could save himself. But that was when he stopped: when he realized that he could either save himself or the world. Every time he went back, part of his soul would erode. He'd see a friend do something he never thought possible and he'd go back to stop it. But he knew what his friend was capable of and he could never fully trust that person again. With that, his social life began to vanish along with his humanity.

But Hope would always come knocking. That was her name: Hope. She knocked on his door one day after he had started his own life. He promised himself from then that he would marry her. She was beautiful. Her cerulean eyes were timeless in his and something kept him from going back when he was around her. She was intoxicating in the best of ways. She was his cure. There was nothing for him to regret with her and it was regret that gave him his power. Hope took away his regret and his power. But with her, the boy was powered more than before. She put light where there was darkness, but she obscured other places. Nick would never fully know her. But the best part was that she shared his feelings. Not his problem, but his feelings. They shared things that only go to and fro with soul-mates; because they were indubitably soul-mates.

But his life was turned upside down when he made a terrible mistake. And he would have to face this one because with Hope, he could not regret. He hurt her. His depression and agony took reign again and then he hurt his one salvation. Through the next days, he found no control because he found no regret. Without regret, he could only justify his actions no matter how bad they were. His salvation was his destruction. She left him and then he finally regretted. When he called upon the pain of regretful sorrow, it only turned her away because she fell in love with the boy because he regretted nothing. From her perspective, Nick faced life head on without looking back. But when he tried to at least fake regret with her, she found no attraction. Worst of all, she saw his lies.

Nick used his regret and tried going back but it all stopped at the last time he saw her and he had to feel her leaving him once again. He tried more than once because his former bride was worth all of the pain. But finally, he learned. He learned that he would have to win her back the way he had stopped a long time ago: the hard way. Nick would fight long and hard, journeying however he must to win back his dear Hope. Without her, he had none.

After a month had passed, he had prayed that she would be open to listening; to at least hear him out. When she did, he tried to explain his problem. He explained how he had become addicted to reversing time and that it was fueled by the pain of regret. Nick tried to explain to her that she cut off his feeling of regret and that she loved what she had caused. She completed him; healed him. But the boy couldn't prove it. She had lost faith in him. This was beyond belief to her because she no longer saw a soul-mate: she saw a crazy person in the sanest of them all. Hope had not faith and so he had not either.

They say that hope is the last to die. But for the boy, it was first. Instead, all he had was his fuel: regret. All of his life he regretted and the more he tried to stop it, the more he regretted. What he thought was his cure was his affliction. So that's when he decided that his life was where it had all started. He decided to end it. A noose was tied to the ceiling and the boy kicked the stool away, dropping him to the end. His life flashed before his eyes. There was a certain beauty that he could not waste. Nick knew he would regret his death. He took in the regret and decided to reverse time and save himself. The stool came back under his feet and then he descended. He took down the noose and then realized that life was still miserable but not worth ending. Perhaps he could find a way to start over. His sanest decision was his biggest mistake.

Hope came by his home and looked in the window. She found him sitting on his couch with a weary smile. He didn't notice her. Something on his face told her that it would be alright. This reassured her and then she left, never to see him again. Eventually, the boy attempted suicide again, this time he was dead with no turning back. There were no more regrets but there was also no more Hope. Regret overtook her and she joined him in death.

But had he not reversed time to save himself, Hope would have found him dangling and dying. She would have broken in and then saved his life where she would heal him again. With that healing, their relationship would mend. They'd marry again and have many children. The boy and his beloved Hope would live together until they were old and finally dead. Their life would have been nearly perfect to the outside observer, but to the boy: flawless. The ideal that he had tried so hard to regret himself to he simply couldn't have.

Through chamber and barrel, death pierced his brain. Days later, lead and powder destroyed Hope. Regret, the single strongest of all feelings, for once, gave something. The boy received the gift of erasing anything that had come to pass. It had even come to allowing itself to be removed by way of truest and purest love. But even its gifts were too strong for man to bear. Regret destroys even when it seems to build. Its wrath not only caused the destruction of its experiment but also its love. Regret made a man worth less than his own life because it had directly ended another. Had he never existed, Hope would live on. But it was this logic that had killed her in the first place. This sane logic kills.

This story was inspired in part by Braid, if you wanted to know.

State of the Union 2.0

State of the Union 2.0


*Booming applause as darthzew takes the stage, waving to his people*

Fellow gamers, once again I've put together an address that shall state the current affairs and truths of the gaming world. These events and facts concern us all as gamers. Ultimately, we are together and ultimately, we are one.


These are troubled times for everyone, even those of us who do not game. Income becomes a greater scarcity in these strained times for the economy. We all feel pain as it becomes harder and harder to get the games we want, but fear not! The latest NDP numbers tell us that gaming is hardly threatened. This is because the common man seeks to escape the turmoil of the day and he turns to alternate reality. And what is the defining alternate reality of our time?

Video gaming.

*Booming applause from the crowd, darthzew motions for silence*

The three major consoles are still at war with one another, but rest easy for all are good!


Sony's Playstation 3 system sells the fewest of all systems. Only recently did it manage to break the twenty-million sale milestone that the other three have broken long-past. These facts are as unfortunate as they are irrelevant. All that should matter are the games. It is the Playstation 3 that has so far released the single best, most critically-acclaimed game of 2009: Killzone 2.


None can deny its merits and all should be an awe at its especially spectacular visuals. While its sales have so far been less than perfect, that again, should not matter. It is, with no doubt, an amazing video game the represents some of the best things that the first-person shooter genre has to offer. There is no better way to start the gaming year than this!


Nintendo's Wii is the best selling of the three major systems! It is nearing fifty-million sales and it does not seem to be slowing down!


While its aim is not to the hardcore, which most of us are, it succeeds in creating more of us. Now, I pose this question, what is wrong with more gamers?

*louder applause*

WiiFit has sold ten million units, which makes it one of the best-selling video games of all time. It is a unique initiative that proves that gaming has no limits in what it can do for humankind. Where it once only provided minute amounts of fun, it then provided an escape. Where it once provided an escape, it now provides an art form.


But now, it has done the unthinkable! For too long has gaming been the hallmark of laziness. Now, I give you gaming that also provides fitness and exercise! If this is not progress, then what is?

*thoughtful silence*

Finally, Microsoft's Xbox 360 is at second place in terms of sales. It has surpassed expectations as many speculated that by now, the Playstation 3 would have overtaken the 360. But it has not.

*Light applause, oohs from the Sony section*

From the beginning of this generation, the Playstation 3 continued to lose exclusives to the 360. The most recent of these losses is Final Fantasy XIII. But as gamers, we should not see this as a loss to the PS3 but a gain to the nearly thirty-million gamers who own an Xbox 360!


On the game front, there hasn't been much worth noting for the Xbox 360. There was Halo Wars, but it is hardly a footnote in the grand scheme of things. It is, however, a great game that is worth mention for its good sales and work as an improvement in the console RTS genre. But in the end, there are greater things.

The year 2009 so far has little to offer. There are simply not as many hallmark releases scheduled. The hype has yet to be built, but rest assured: we are gamers and there is always something. The year has only just started and as such, we will be forever hopeful!


Stay together in these troubled times. Do not falter. Video gaming needs you! Legal teams and those who do not understand us stand firm, halting progress. But we stand ever firmer!


Jack Thompson, once at the forefront of video game opposition, has been finally dealt a killing blow, in the form of disbarment, by none other than our government.

*Booming applause*

But nevertheless our challenge is great. Some members of the German government are calling for a ban of violent video games in their nation. To all gamers in Germany: you are strong and I am confident that you will emerge as nothing other than victorious!

*Loud applause*

Gaming is great and I am proud to call myself a gamer! Thank you and God bless!

*Loud, booming, and ultimate applause as Darth Zew exits the stage*