[QUOTE="davez82"]yah i agree, its the price 100%... would you refuse a free ps3? no.. would you buy a ps3 if it was 299? yes , im sure everyone would agree on this which means the ps3 is still wanted ,, just not worth that price tag right now.I sure wouldn't refuse it for free but I wouldn't purchase one for $299 right now. There are no bloody games available for it. Why can't people just understand that. I haven't bought a Wii either because there are no games for that really. I didn't buy an Xbox 360 until this past August. By that time Oblivion, G.R.A.W., Dead Rising, a smattering of good sports games, Kameo, and other games were out, along with all the arcade games. At that time I said to myself, okay, now there's a few good reasons to buy a 360, so I did. How hard is that to understand. I want to play games, good ones, on any system I buy. The PS3 and the Wii haven't given me any reasons to purchase their systems yet, regardless of price.
things like hard to dev for.. or lack of games is total b$. Wii doesnt have much games either , people are pretty content with only playing wii sports it seems, which is just 1 game, but i guess the price they paid makes up for the repetitiveness so they see wii as better.
everything that has to do with anything most likely has $$$ related. Motorstorm will make good use of your ps3 trust me... and even phill harrison said motorstorm is probably the first game to give you what you paid the 599 for. So everyone get motorstorm so we can have a lot of people online!
see your generalizing your opinion as mainstream.. main stream wants the wii, all it is is GC with a motion controller.. how da heck did that happen. i dont know
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