lol.. well first of all. motorstorm looks better than vf5. that already should tell you vf5 is not utilizing ps3's power to the max.. with that fact.. this thread already fails. .cause it wont take much effort to make the 360 vers as good as ps3 cause the graphics arent that spectacular in the first place.
It's no rumor that the Ps3 is not selling as well as Sony hoped. From what i read they are trying to cut the price soon because Wii is killing them in Japan. The Ps2 is actually outselling the Ps3 and that is not normal.rasstarman
ok before this gets locked. people who buy nitnendo dont buy it over ps3.. if thye had a choice between ps3 or nothing they would buy nothing.. nintendo is targetting a new audience.. ok now u can lock it
i agree resistance is average.. but saying that.. every fps game is below average which makes resistance one of the best games in its genre. I would say the genre is average .. as for fps games go.. its a pretty shallow genre.. you can only make so many fps games and expect a 10/10 fps game which i see never happening.
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