i think wii is giving ps3 a hard time now.. the other machine i dont think is having an effect much and i think thats all sony cares about. Its just trying to acquire the hardcore market and i think its doing the best job so far in doing that.
Its sad when i see wario ware outsell lost planet or i see cooking mama outsell metal gear : PO. Is gaming going down the toilet? Im sure these are all good games but when next gen comes out i dont want to be playing cooking games on the ps4 or x720. What do you guys think? Will hardcore struggle in the end, leaving only casual mini games left? Or will they coexist in harmony, like casual games will end up costing less than hardcore games. IE dlc vs. physical game. Im sure nintendo is good and they made a smart move but i feel like they totally screwed the system.
do you mean your ps2 saves bieng deleted? yah this is a known problem.. happened to me once.. it happened when my ps2 virtual card was almost full.. it might have something to do with a almost full ps2 mem card.. transfer everything to flashdrive or sdcard.. trust me on this.
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