Let me start off by saying that I am really enjoying my new job so far. Yesterday was actually my one month anniversary of the hire date and so far, this has been a great choice as a first post-college job.
With my schedule, there are two weeks where I can choose to work two double shifts and a single shift each week for two consecutive weeks. This week was my first opportunity to do so. You may ask yourself why anybody would want to work double shifts. I myself asked that when the option was first presented to me. But see, here's the thing...on the second week, I have my double shifts on Monday and Tuesday and my single on Wednesday. For you math savvy types, I have just worked 40 hours in 3 days. Therefore, my full time requirement is met. Because of this, I take the rest of the week off (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). The week following your second double shift week you don't have to come in again until Tuesday. For those on the ball, you've already figured out that I have just earned myself a 5 day mini-vacation without actually having to take vacation time.
I tell you this to share that tonight was my second double shift of my first week. About 10:15 yesterday evening, I answer a phone call from one of the midnight staffers that was scheduled to work from 11:00-9:00 saying that she wasn't going to be able to make it in. I immediately told the senior staff member that was working with me (he doubled too). Chris proceeds to call the supervisor to see if he could come in, but he didn't answer the phone. After this, Chris called all of the people on the fill-in list. Naturally, none of them answered either. So this puts both of us in a real pickle. One of us gets the unfortunate task of having to stay through the 10 hour shift because there must be two staff on duty at all times because of the clients we serve (prevent run aways/AWOLs).
I volunteered enthusiastically (yeah, I wonder what's wrong with me too) to work the shift. Anyway, to wrap up a long story, I worked 56.5 hours this week. Because I work on an hourly pay rate, I also got 16.5 hours of time-and-a-half overtime (13.50 per hour) for a total before taxes of $224. My paycheck the on the 24th will net me over $700! I may have just worked a 26 hour shift, but seeing the paycheck will make it all worthwhile!
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