easy, i've grown to hate certain franchises actually...not only cus the story is ruined but because i suck at the game for some unknown reason..
Most recently liked and explaination:
Battlefield bc 2 - ever play chinese checkers or go? its like that fps style, fun fast and very tactical @times
C&C zerohour - not so great sometimes, but you can cheat and maphack, a poor man's chess
CS source - obviously its balanced and i grew up with it...but i like it because its made for violent fast gaming and headshots
Ghost recon 2 - besides for the cinematic scenes in 1 player, a good game and very easy to pick up. Controls feel natural. Wish it could be liek iraq style realism. played demo for a few years and recently bought.
Over-g - i love flightsims, this was the best for me..however its too realistic.
Batman asylum - enjoyed
Perfect dark zero - enjoyed
Mugen - havent played it for a while but it kind of sums up my fighting game history for the last 10 yrs, along with dreamcast, a slow pc and xbox 360 is my second bought console
Most hated
halo series - story went downhill, maps changed, too hard. Doesnt save. I beat it on legendary basically. it cant save that record though. no gaming points for me!
cs go - i bought this recently, check out my review to find out why its @best 78percent...another game with wierd stats..you lose when you win?!? Same with bf bc2 sometimes i noticed. and only god can use xbox 360 controllers without autoaim..only god.
ghost recon 1 (+mini-review) - great graphics, not so great AI. My teams AI does nothing. They 'squirrel' me sometimes. A term i coined up for when you run infront of someones scope or point of view, constantly. However the AI on the other team can track positions, headshot u from 1000s of yards away, duck cover and well act as the terminator gone rogue when youre in the area, basically. If i duck under a barrel, they will snipe me. Sometimes i notice head shots with machine guns at 1000 yards plus. They can or can not detect scopes, basically. The controls are similar to gwar 2 but also too slow, and frustrating at times. Sometimes a button function is expectable, but that's not going to change. Grenades are useful at certain intervals where u know where your enemy is. Expect to die at least four times on certain parts. Frame rate dips alot. Must be the unified ram thing...needs to be on gamecube or soemthing. Future setting works. The realistic movement is too slow, which puts you as an average amatuerish soldier instead of the pro fast and mobile super-soldier u get in graw 2. All-in-all both games are very similar so it is worth purchasing esp now. Currently playing so not really sure. Will let you know about the plot snf massive urban environments in future edits. Right now, i can say its def a change from its predecessor being more massive and detailed.
Past games
Seeing how i had dreamcast and Pc as i grew up, i would say...skies of arcadia. FF7, zelda oot, PSO, were my fav rpgs. The PC had those good sharewaregames like doom..and xwing. I followed the crowd, and went on to rainbow six series and complex realistic sims. Never had a real nack for racing games. I like realism. However I stuck to the doom style fps shooters like descent and stuff. Had xbox briefly, and liked. Splinter cell was fun however it lacked in games and game choices for me. Never cared to uprd pcs though. Sometimes played other consoles too which my bro had.
Loved fighting games and puzzle games like ssf puzzle fighter. Have a large dreamcast library. That's about it.
Consoles I never really owned
Everyone loved n64...i played alot fo mario kart, 007 etc. I also played a lot of mario 64, zelda oot, ff7 (see above), tekken series and twisted metal 2. Those games were addicting to me.
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