for all xbox owners should demand a refund from konami I will never buy a konami game also pszone your an idiot fanboy thats why elderscrols plays like dog shit on ps3
we should all do a blackout stop buying games this holiday season until they make a promise in writing say a contractual agreement that will stop this crooked type of business from continuing. stop reserving games go to game stop and get refunds for reserves we already made and see how EA thinks thats cool when they are down 2 billion dollars
@q-bert39 man your a complete jerk lol your a fing troll would call you a few other choice words but there really is no need to state how much of a pile of crap you are for slamming others you must be a sony fanboy
@q-bert39 you need to understand they have to make a profit just because it has a dvd player does not take away the fact that it is still a good deal so yeah it is worth 400 bucks hell the game and the extra contoler would cost 100 bucks alone
if this was to be true and microsoft buys actavision that would make my day they would only then release call of duty on xbox and pc plus what other games actavision has laying around
deadmonkey76's comments