I hope some new developers and gaming companies emerge and use e3 as a stepping stone and knock the likes of blizzard and rockstar off there thrones im sick of gta its old and stale and blizzard never realy change they do the same crap time and time again and everyone grips about actavision and there call of duty and these two half assed game publishers do the same thing as for thq good ridance.
david stop drinking the playstation coolaid your game is not that great your also a hipocrit considering your game revolves around violence a fare better game than yours would be alan wake. dont get me wrong heavy rain was good but not great and does not appeal to the masses.
I was ran out of gamestop because im a jerk and I sent business that they could have had to a local gamestore in my area that actualy sells games used even recently released games 20 bucks cheaper to say the least they were pissed oh well game stop screwed me and a few of my friends out of an xbox 360 launch day when I was one of the first 30 people to reserve one and they and there buddys got there systems first and me and several others were told we had to wait for the next shipment screw gamestop I will always send people else where when there are better deals to be had
@mysticstryk I dont like to see people loss there job but if it gets rid of crooked business then so be it there are other jobs that actually pay much better that would be like working at mc ds a dead end job
@Landsharkk ebay is way cheaper and more than likely if you found a ma and pa local game store they most of the time give way better deals only time I buy games from gamestop is if it is a bargan bin game for 10 or less because thats the only real good deals charging 54 bucks for game already opened and played is a rip off now considering they only paid maybe 10 bucks or less to the poor sap who sold or traded it check harder for used games because your being burnt also check craigslist
deadmonkey76's comments