Ha! Delighted to hear this. Eas golf games fell a long way a long time ago. And since they arent interested in releasing regular games anymore then of course they woild drop the rights to.the pga. Its all about games as a service now.
Games as a service through the backdoor. Where even old games that were originaly sold as products are now service choices that no user ever owns and has no control over.
I wonder how much of those "additional innovations" he mentions, will be gameplay related and how much will be monitisation related... We can all certainly guess.
While he may not have enjoyed the combat, there are plenty if people who did and who made this series as successful as it now is. Im not at all interested in the direction the devs are going for this game. Ive played enough of these games already with the over the shoulder melee combat.
The devs seem to be throwing away the things that made this series stand out. Namely the gameplay and setting. I expect this game to review well because of the focus on narative which is always great fodder for games journalists that have reviews to write but i will be much more intrested in what the user reviews say as the gameplay will be more of a factor there.
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