This article makes me wonder how nintendo are even still in business anymore. I mean they are still just releasing mario and zelda games. Get over it, that was twenty years ago guys! I'm glad im with the best gaming company. Sony create the most original and the best games of any of the big three.
I think its important for gamers to give feedback on games. Its also important for the developers to pay attention to this feedback but is shouldn't dictate to them what they should be creating. They should think of it more as help-full tips and ideas to ponder over and possibly use.
I wonder why they released these old pictures now. Is it to test the waters with regards to releasing somthing new to customers? See how much demand there really is for half life? Or is it that they are close to a big new release and this is a start to the hype build up? Or is it just that the pictures show a creative direction that valve have now abandoned and so there is no reason to keep these picture concepts a secret any more?
I don't understand what he's on about. A remake would revive the popularity of the final fantasy series. And if they want to make a better game than FF VII then they should make a u-turn from the direction they're going with the series now. They need to get back to the games roots of being a proper RPG with open world and such and ditch the god awful *** pop music, jesus that music! ! ! >:/
I wonder if there are any legally minded people out there who can explain why products like cars and the like can be resold by the original buyer without any intervention from the car company but with software and games they are considered still the property of the company even when the customer buys it.
There must be some divide there where the customer either owns or doesn't own the product. Can anyone answer this?
Its odd, I look at the screenshots they have here for this game and they actualy look fairly good. I havn't played this game but it seems the reviewer is a bit off at least on this point.
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