Better question to you guys, which of these 2 PlayStation Exclusive games would you buy is it:
A. The Last of Us Spans 12-16 hours or B. Beyond: Two Souls Spans 10 hours?
I pick A because it's Naugthy Dog next big thing, this game is getting more for your bucks which was shown from the trailers, and 12-16 hours of gameplay sounds about right for a action-advanture game. I will wait for the reviews what they say about Beyond anyways.
My guess is that why Nintendo is skipping there Press this year, could they be saving it for Tokyo Game Show this September? Could be the case but it makes you wonder if they will show up considering it's in there hometown.
I still call E3 the land of Opportunity and this is the same post I made from JustPlainLucas Blog.
E3 is still a big deal. It's the rare opportunity where the event is so large, even mainstream media takes notice. Nintendo is going to miss out on that, letting Sony and MS get all the spotlight. E3 isn't as deflated as you would think. Last year was a dud because this generation lasted too long and we're in this weird transition phase. But I assure you things are going to pick up this year, and next year will be when the new consoles start getting into high gear. Which brings me back to my point with Nintendo. The Wii U should be kicking into high gear with major announcements. Perfect for a big stage like E3. I also think it's more accurate to say that E3 the last couple years has been all razzle-dazzle because the current generation of consoles should have died two years ago. This year, though, there's actually real stuff to show off.
If MS were to included there next console BC that will let me play my 360 games, then I can see this $500 is a steal. this is a rumor about MS going to have BC on there next-gen console.
Well I know were that $500 I been saving is going to go cause Sony will never see a Damn Dime of it.
All jokes aside, I do intend to buy PS4 and Xbox 720 at some point down the road as of now I'm still having fun playing my Xbox 360 and PS3. I still got much to do and play my Consoles.
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