@Cameron Robinson Most Science today believe that in order to find out the truth if there is life out there in the Galaxy we need to develop Starships with FTL [faster-then-light-speed] and most Science say that it is possible to built an FTL drive if we have the right Technology and Energy to do so. I believe there is life out there in the Universe but we are just so far away to know the truth. Nice Video by the way and I hope to see some more in the near future.
I think the biggest thing was the Ending. I'm just finishing up the Planet Ronnac without giving any Spoilers hear. The only way to get the best ending is to do everything in the game as possible without playing the Muiltiplayer [the co-op gets boring fast to me] and hear is the link on the info: http://www.oxm.co.uk/39560/want-the-best-mass-effect-3-ending-dont-worry-about-galactic-readiness/
Mr. Walton your missing the point, the true reason why the vita is having a hard time in Japan and soon to release nationwide is the Memory Cards that are the problem hear. I have been following the Vita since E3 last year and Sony waited the last minute to tell us that in order to play the Vita, you need a Memory Card which is so expansive, 4,8 GB is not going to cut it and the 16 or 32 is your best guest. The Memory Cards were the only biggest complaints not the price, multitasking or games, and it mostly turn down most people and as for me I will not be getting a Vita until May, that's when I get my special paycheck.
To be frankly honest, I have heard most of gaming Websites have been saying that Skyrim will be on the Vita as well as Grand Theft Auto V and if so, bring it on and this Article was well written and thank you Mr. Mielke
I just finish paying off the 3G PS Vita 2 weeks ago and now, I got to save even more money so I can get the 32-GB card because for now on I'm buying all my games on digital distribution for that 40% discount that Sony is offering when you buy the games in DD over the physical copy.
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