@Hilary Goldstein nice Article but you forgot one thing that Nintendo needs to do, change the Name. The Wii U needs a new name because last years E3 Confress, a lot of People were confuse if this was a new Console or just an up-grade and not only that, this is Nintendo's new System why in the world would you name it Wii U? A new Name is a must so that people won't be confuse between Wii and Wii U.
Regardless I'm still going to Watch E3 because it's all going to be about Nintendo's new console Wii U and I expect the name to be change, Launch games, and even though Nintendo said that they are not going to say what the Price would be after E3 so that's going to be very dissapointing but still worht it to check it out.
I'm hoping that Sony shows off The Last of Us, Dragons Crown, and other features I hope.
Microsoft no doult will be talking about Kinect games, Halo 4, and like last year, I expect there confress to do better then last year because last year was the worst Confress show they got an F-grade.
Well one way or another It looks like this years E3 may be good or not but who knows for sure.
And the reason why Uncharted 3 did so badly is that the Aiming was horrible and don't get me wrong, I like U3 but the controls were no where near as good as U2.
The real question is, are we still on a one Controller routh per console? Nintendo had a problem with the Wii U that it only plays one controller and it will not connect more then 2-4 Controllers and if so I may Pass on this and I don't want my Friends and Family left out if they cannot play at all if there is one person playing and they feel left out and not having fun.
@demondayzzz You do know when you beat the game that you start back before you attack Cerberus HQ, Hell even on ME forums and gamefaq.com are talking about helping Aria.
The hints I mean was looking at the Galaxy Map, I keep hearing this bing, the same spot that the Omega Nabula was there in ME2, the comic book that I got about Aria is being chase out of Omega, and conversation she keeps talking about her plains is almost the same thing that happen with Liara in ME2 DLC: Lair of the Shadow Broker. It's coming, I think Bioware is to busy on the Extending Cut so that puts any single DLC until then.
I don't care that you guys are mad on ME3, I'm not going to let the ending stop me from playing this game and I pay $80 Dollers for the CE and I'm still playing MP and not only that, I'm on my 4th playthrough.
Hey Bioware this is good and all but I'm still waiting on the single DLC: Omaga Nebula, the one were you help Aria to retake Omega back from Cerberus and if you guys think that is not going to happen, trust me it will happen. The game gives you hints that you will help Aria and Bioware is going to do this.
Gamespot, Dead Space 3 will not be the first time that you will kill humans, Dead Space: Extraction was the only series you can kill Humans that have gone mad and when you shoot them in the head, they die instintly unlike the Necros.
Also Isaac kill a Human in Dead Space 2 so again, Gamespot is wrong yet again.
Honestly all of you guys are going to be mad on this DLC even if it is 5 freaking dollers? Hell Everyone was even mad on Rockstars Max Payne 3 with the DLC, but they are not forcing you to buy them, it is only for the MP alone and nothing more. The same for Prototype 2 is just for those who want to buy DLC to play the game even more. Hear is the solution to this problem, If you don't want to buy any DLC, don't [BEEP] with it.
P.S Daishi3011 if you are reading this, thanks for the link on Max Payne 3 DLC, Gamespot did a horrible job on it and it made things clear.
Honestly it would be better that Activision could do the Star Wars Family guy game that was air on Cartoon Network which in my opinion was a cool SW rip-off but it was so dam funny and after that, Family Guy is not as good as it used to be.
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