From what I heard, Star Wars 1313 and First Assault would go to another game studio but from what I saw 1313 last year, it was pretty clear that it was Uncharted clone in space but who knows, we may ear some good news from E3 2013.
Man you people bashing Disney for this, you guys must be out your Damn mind, Why is everyone so butthurt? It's pretty clear that LocusArt was dead weight. Again what have they done this Generation. They have done nothing but produce underwhelming games. The studio was dead weight and Thank you Disney for shouting down LocusArt and they will be sleeping with the Fishes. Disney will be getting my Money when the new Star Wars movie is out.
Thanks gamespot for the review but I play the first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on DS and I didn't like it at all and I will not be fool again by this game. Thanks but no thanks Nintendo and I'm sure everyone will just wait for Pokemon X,Y in October.
In May, Hell MS might as well wait until E3 2013 in June would make more sense and not only that, this is just an analyst who thinks that MS will talk about there next Xbox in May when E3 is right next Month anyway. Honestly I would rather wait for E3 then talking about it in May.
I had no idea, I was also curious as to why gamespot have been reporting news on gamestop. I know gamestop is a major business in the U.S since I'm a pro member [I'm only a member is because I like those gameinformer magazines I get in the mail, Classic] but the thing is how well will gamestop fair in next-gen? I will be looking forward to your news update on this Eddie.
Box comes in, disc go out, disc goes in console, disc comes out console, goes back in box, sits on the selves 3-6 months, get's sold to gamestop for pennies, [I don't sell or trade at gamestop mind you] then buy new game. Box art is good but this is not really big news and big deal. Just for once gamespot, were is the preview for this game anyway?
I'm really happy for Sony to release there next-gen console but after watching there PS4, this is just telling me to hang-on to my PS3 [same with Xbox 360] for like 2-4 more years since there is so much more wealth of games to be play. Kudos to Sony none the less.
What taking them so long, Sony put the scare on MS when Sony announce PS4 with details what it can do and there were rumors that Sony stole some of MS ideas. Wait until E3 2013.
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