I didn't see this review get a bad score since this is one of the best Wii U game there is as of now and seeing this score is just going to rasing hell.
Considering that the Wii U was release November 2012, do you expect Nintendo to announce a new Console like at E3 2017 and release there new Console Holiday 2018? I don't think Nintendo will not give up the console which I can't see that happen and Nintendo normally release a new console 5-6 years and everything I said is not trying to toss the Wii U out the door, it's just that sony and MS has said that there new consoles are staying for 10 years cycle and if Nintendo can have a brand new Console, Sony and MS won't be able to comback a new console so soon and if Nintendo can play there cards right, they need to make there new console totally different then what we see from Sony and MS so far.
@Fiendvinny I will admit that when I buy Wii U this year, it's just going to be just for playing Exclusive games and that's it, like I did with the Wii. My top consoles this year will be my PS4, 3DS XL, and PC. [not sure if I will buy Xbox One.
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