E.T was the only, only game I had when I still had my Atari 2600 back in the 1991 and it was dull, crap but only because I didn't watch the movie at the time so it pretty much didn't do me any good to liking E.T game. Nevertheless, I'm really interested in watching this Documentary as to how this simple game can crash the gaming industries while I was too young to understand. Well E.T was my only game so I'll go see the Documentary this Fall.
After reading your username, I should have known better to argue with the like of you. Nevertheless you don't know anything about me so take your angry rants elsewhere. Have a nice day.
And have we heard anything about Quantum Break news yet? I'm still on a fence until I see some gameplay but still, I'm interested to see how this game plays out.
And who said anything about Xbox, you did. I only talking about 18,000 jobs lost that MS could find another way to deal with this, Really calm down. Case you didn't know, I still play my 360.
I'm not a fan of Microsoft but it still sucks to see so many people out of work and yet, you had the audacity to tell me that this video game t.v show is good news, this is just disgusting.
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