I'm so sorry to hear this bad news and boy, Hiroshi Yamauchi was the man who made Nintendo king of video gaming from the SNES-Gamecube but for what it worth, I would like to say thanks Hiroshi Yamauchi for making Nintendo the best gaming fun when I was a kid. R.I.P.
You are clearly missing the point, MS was sticking to there BS Policy and never address it after E3. When MS saw there Pre-order going down, MS had to change the Policy. This Article is just telling us that MS is so into TV and not gaming. They should be trying to get more JRPG and so on and not wasting time with TV.
Let's not go there. I don't Fanboy over consoles, I co-exist and M$ has earn a one year Probation on there Xbox One until I see something worth a Damn and Sony is making smarter choices and M$ is not.
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