Another Monday, another Wii U somewhat bad news article is just asking for more trolls to come-out to play but anyways, Ubisoft say a lot of things these day but I can understand that Publishers these days don't want to risk money unless they see good sales to go out and spend Millions of Dollars on any Platforming Console such as Wii U or PS Vita making a game. Wii U problem is that there is not enough games and the Vita 2 major problem is the Memory Cards price is to high and not enough games but all in all, Every Console/Handhelds takes a loss on each sales and Ubisoft needs understand this.
I really hated to see Gamestop closed those 52 stores across the world and not only that, I also really hate to see anyone lose/without a Job in this Economy and I hope those Employees who work at Gamestop find another Job.
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