deluxemando's forum posts
....wouldn't give a rat's buttux about stuff like "begins to get repetitive" or "minor frame rate issues" and the biggest culprit: "washed out textures" and various other things that reviews tell us. When we read it first and then play it, we naturally have a critical eye for things like washed out details and you become MUCH more aware of the gameplay becoming repetitive...where as if you hadn't read the review at all, you would more than likely turn a blind eye to minor set backs like framerate and that junk, and enjoy a game fully based on it's merits as an overall experience.
What am I referring to? Mostly to Assassin's Creed, but it applies to all reviews to all games, everywhere. Do whati [try] to do and read the review for fun, AFTER you've purchased and played a game you were looking forward to. I can almost guarentee you will enjoy it, go on GS and see that it got 6.0, then lawl ur ass off at the ppl over-analyzing things that were meant to be taken with your feet up on a table, sitting in a relaxing chair, chuggin on a coke...if u get what I mean.
Using AC as an example, someone who has watched maybe GameTrailer's review will have an eye out for the enemies that circle you and attack foolishly 1 by 1, and when your griping through the whole game over this, you tend to like the gamea lot less overall.
Someone who had never seen an AC review would probably notice it, but not give it a second thought because they're busy actually enjoying the slick counter attack animations.
Bottom line: i dunno.
TC your concern is very real, and I share your vision. I can't see or imagine another 3d party AAA on the wii. RE4 used last gen's glory, hell even TP only got 8.8 and that was a 1st party ZELDA of all games, hyped to heaven AAA.
If the wii releases an AAA 3d party game before the start Q3 08, i will be VERY surprised.
Gameplay: 9
Graphics: 10
Sound: 9
Lol try again with a 10 in sound and 10 in value. they made special note of how everything (old and new mario tunes) were completely orchestrated and unique to each level. The value of the game itself also is amazing, ucan spend endless hours collecting all 120 stars, or just beat the game with 60. It was also stated by GS that the game was the perfect mix of easy for first timers and challenge for veterans.
I guess they would dock 1 off gameplay for the minor camer issues?
Value: 9
Tilt: 10
Seem fair? I believe that would be 9.4
Higher than gears maybe? IGN gave it 9.7 afterall. It might have even beaten out Halo 3. But with the stupid 0.5 scale you can't even compare finer details that put some games ahead of others like art design, musical score, and overall value. Gamespot dumbed it down to an overall score..
well on the plus side, at least now fanboys wont be screaming over a game that beat a diff game by 0.1 :P
I carry my iPod in my pocket for tunes on the go, and I have my PSP in my backpack to whip out whenever. I only use the PSP for gaming and episodes of my favourite shows or some gametrailers. 1gb memory stick is too small for BOTH music and vids.
I agree, the PSP is definately the pinnacle of media functions.
However the games for it are lacking. There are a few exceptional ones, but its filled with a lot of junk too.
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